After update from nrf SDK 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 I can not add build configuration in VSCode - "No Boards Found"

I have

  • updated from sdk 2.4.0 to 2.4.1.
  • Created a  multicore hello_world application from samples inside VScode
  • Proceeded to create a build configuration but the tool does not find any boards. The pull down scrollbox is not being populated. It holds the default value: "No boards Found". This irrespective if I select Compatible boards, nordic boards or all boards in the radio buttons.

I have installed the two sdk's in the recommended locations c:\ncs

I notice that the toolchain is still using the same toolchain as v2.4.0

Any idea what is missing here.

  • i notice that the folder structure for c:\ncs\v2.4.0 is different from c:\ncs\v2.4.1. Is that to expect?

    The latter only holds the folders C:\ncs\v2.4.1\.west and C:\ncs\v2.4.1\nrf (with some content)

    Should the update tool install a new set of boards files to C:\ncs\v2.4.1\zephyr\boards? If yes, then this has not worked for me and would be a good explanation of the previous reported problem.

  • i notice that the folder structure for c:\ncs\v2.4.0 is different from c:\ncs\v2.4.1. Is that to expect?

    The latter only holds the folders C:\ncs\v2.4.1\.west and C:\ncs\v2.4.1\nrf (with some content)

    Should the update tool install a new set of boards files to C:\ncs\v2.4.1\zephyr\boards? If yes, then this has not worked for me and would be a good explanation of the previous reported problem.

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