Downgrade Power Profiler APP in nRF Connect for Desktop (Windows 11)

Dear sir/madame

I am using nRFConnect for Desktop v3.12.0, Segger Embedded Studio and SDK 17.1.0

By an accident I hit the update button for Power Profiler and the updated version does not work with nRFConnect for Desktop v3.12.0.

Is it possible to downgrade Power Profiler app to the version that work in nRFConnect for Desktop v3.12.0?


Kind regards


PS: It is essential for us to continue the development using SES

Parents Reply
  • Thanks, but unfortunately it did not work 100%.
    I have tried several version of PPK2 app, from the oldest 2.3.0 to 3.5.3.
    All have problem with selecting an area in the data logger window or Real-Time window.; i.e. “hold SHIFT+LEFT CLICK and DRAG” does not work in all versions I have tried. Do you know which version of PPK app I should use with nRF Connect for Desktop v3.12.0 running in a Windows 11 environment?

    Kind regards


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