How to add custom UUIDs definitions in nRF Connect for Mobile?


In nRF Connect for Mobile, custom UUIDs show up as unknown, making it difficult to identify them easily.

Is there a way to add custom UUIDs, as can be done for example, on a Mac by adding the custom UUIDs to the "uuid_definitions.json" (located in folder /Users/username/Library/Application\ Support/nrfconnect)?

If not, How do I request an enhancement to nRF Connect for Mobile?

Thank you.

  • Hi,

    Are you using Android? If so, I just had a talk with the engineer responsible for that app. What you do is to long tap and select, and then press the edit icon.



  • Hi Elfving,

    Thank you for your response. Sounds good. I'm on an iPhone.

    Please let me know the appropriate action is to load the custom UUIds on an iPhone.



  • Hi Elfving,

    My apologizes for letting a response slip through the "cracks".

    Regarding the Thingy53 having the "unknown" names in the nRF Connect for Mobile replaced by actual UUID names, I was hoping that a pull request to get the UUIDs in wouldn't be needed as these UUIDs are not specific to my use case.

    I would imagine that other Thingy53 users would also like to see "
    unknown" names replaced BME688 & BMI1749 standard UUIDs. Hence the request to the " nRF Connect for Mobile" dev team.


  • Could you send me a screenshot of these names showing up as uknown from your app?



  • Hi Elfving,

    As per the previous recommendation from the nRF Connect for Mobile (iOS) team, it's best to raise a pull request for their dev team.

    Would you be able to raise the pull request for me?  

    Your colleague, Tiago Monte, provided the Thingy:53 Sensor Hub project a few years back in a Dev Zone blog (

    This would help to complete the project and would be quite useful to existing and new Thingy:53 customers.

    Here are the screenshots from nRF Connect for Mobile (iOS) connected to the Thingy:53 running Sensor Hub application:

    Thingy:53 Sensor Hub project:

    Here's the required Thingy:53 UUIDs that need to be added for the Thingy:53 Sensor Hub and the sensor characteristics (

        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_sensor_hub", "uuid": "A5B46352-9D13-479F-9FCB-3DCDF0A13F4D" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Temp", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_temp", "uuid": "506A55C4-B5E7-46FA-8326-8ACAEB1189EB" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Pressure", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_pressure", "uuid": "51838AFF-2D9A-B32A-B32A-8187E41664BA" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Humidity", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_humidity", "uuid": "753E3050-DF06-49334B53-B090-5E1D810C4383" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Red Color", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_red_color", "uuid": "82754BBB-6ED3-4D69-A0E1-F19F6B654EC2"  , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Green Color", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_green_color", "uuid": "DB7F9F36-92CE-4509-A2EF-AF72BA38FB48" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Blue Color", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_blue_color", "uuid": "F5D2EAB5-41E8-4F7C-AEF7-C9FFF4C544C0" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Battery Voltage", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_battery_voltage", "uuid": "FA3CF070-D0C7-4668-96C4-86125C8AC5DF" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub IAQ", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_iaq", "uuid": "AD79CBCE-65DF-4BC6-BDD4-8CE2B6B75C59" , "source": "nordic"},

    Here is the Thingy:53 sensor_hub_service.h:


    This is the uuid_definitions.json that exists in macOS ( located in folder /Users/username/Library/Application\ Support/nrfconnect) :

        "_comment": {
            "comment": [
                "Add UUIDs for your services, characteristics, and descriptors in this file.",
                "The format is the UUID of the item, followed by an object containing the data.",
                "'name' is a mandatory handle, while 'format' is optional.",
                "Currently the only supported format is 'TEXT', default is 'NO_FORMAT'.",
                "The application must be reloaded to access changes in this file."
        "uuid16bitServiceDefinitions": {
            "180D": {
                "name": "Heart Rate"
        "uuid16bitCharacteristicDefinitions": {
            "2A37": {
                "name": "Heart Rate Measurement"
            "2A29": {
                "name": "Manufacturer Name String",
                "format": "TEXT"
        "uuid16bitDescriptorDefinitions": {},
        "uuid128bitServiceDefinitions": {
            "6E400001B5A3F393E0A9E50E24DCCA9E": {
                "name": "UART over BLE"
            "A5B463529D13479F9FCB3DCDF0A13F4D": {
                "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub"
        "uuid128bitCharacteristicDefinitions": {
            "6E400002B5A3F393E0A9E50E24DCCA9E": {
                "name": "UART RX"
            "6E400003B5A3F393E0A9E50E24DCCA9E": {
                "name": "UART TX"
            "506A55C4B5E746FA83268ACAEB1189EB": {
                "name": "Temperature"
            "51838AFF2D9AB32AB32A8187E41664BA": {
                "name": "Pressure"
            "753E3050DF064B53B0905E1D810C4383": {
                "name": "Humidity"
            "82754BBB6ED34D69A0E1F19F6B654EC2": {
                "name": "Red Value"
            "DB7F9F3692CE4509A2EFAF72BA38FB48": {
                "name": "Green Value"
            "F5D2EAB541E84F7CAEF7C9FFF4C544C0": {
                "name": "Blue Value"
            "FA3CF070D0C7466896C486125C8AC5DF": {
                "name": "Battery mV"
            "AD79CBCE65DF4BC6BDD48CE2B6B75C59": {
                "name": "IAQ"
        "uuid128bitDescriptorDefinitions": {}

    Let me know if you require anything additional. Thank you.


  • Hi Elfving,

    I'm not sure if you're on vacation. Did you get a chance to review above?


  • Hello,

    Yes, and I've had a talk with the team responsible. I believe everything now should be in order.

    zpm1066 said:

    This would help to complete the project and would be quite useful to existing and new Thingy:53 customers.

    Excellent point. With everything mentioned there now added, this would make for a better customer experience. Have you had a chance to check it out?



  • Hello,

    Yes, and I've had a talk with the team responsible. I believe everything now should be in order.

    zpm1066 said:

    This would help to complete the project and would be quite useful to existing and new Thingy:53 customers.

    Excellent point. With everything mentioned there now added, this would make for a better customer experience. Have you had a chance to check it out?



  • Hi Elfving,

    Thank you so much in reaching out to the nRF Connect for Mobile team and requesting the changes.

    I can now see the names for the sensor characteristics when connecting to Thingy53 using the nRF Connect for mobile. 

    All names are in except for IAQ that Is still showing as "Unknown Characteristic". 

        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Service", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_sensor_hub", "uuid": "A5B46352-9D13-479F-9FCB-3DCDF0A13F4D" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Temp", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_temp", "uuid": "506A55C4-B5E7-46FA-8326-8ACAEB1189EB" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Pressure", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_pressure", "uuid": "51838AFF-2D9A-B32A-B32A-8187E41664BA" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Humidity", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_humidity", "uuid": "753E3050-DF06-49334B53-B090-5E1D810C4383" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Red Color", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_red_color", "uuid": "82754BBB-6ED3-4D69-A0E1-F19F6B654EC2"  , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Green Color", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_green_color", "uuid": "DB7F9F36-92CE-4509-A2EF-AF72BA38FB48" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Blue Color", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_blue_color", "uuid": "F5D2EAB5-41E8-4F7C-AEF7-C9FFF4C544C0" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub Battery Voltage", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_battery_voltage", "uuid": "FA3CF070-D0C7-4668-96C4-86125C8AC5DF" , "source": "nordic"},
        { "name": "Thingy:53 Sensor Hub IAQ", "identifier": "com.nordicsemi.service.thingy53_iaq", "uuid": "AD79CBCE-65DF-4BC6-BDD4-8CE2B6B75C59" , "source": "nordic"},

    Could you please ask the nRF Connect dev team to add the entry for IAQ as well? Thank you.

    Once again, I very much appreciate your assistance to get the changes in. They certainly improve the Thingy53 customer experience.


  • Hi Elfving,

    The nRF5340 sensor hub IAQ Is showing as "Unknown Characteristic".  Could you please ask the nRF Connect for mobile team to add an entry for it? Thanks.


  • Hi Elfving,

    Any feedback on the above? Thanks.


  • Hello, and sorry about the delay. 

    I've forwarded your request to add the IAQ us well.



  • Hi Elfving,

    Wonderful! Thank you.

    I'll check in 1-2 weeks time.

