wake on PDM microphone

I see there is a way to set an audio event exceeding a set threshold.

I found the nfc system_off sample and added button press to wake using:
nrf_gpio_cfg_sense_set(NRF_DT_GPIOS_TO_PSEL(DT_ALIAS(sw0), gpios), NRF_GPIO_PIN_SENSE_HIGH);
to wake the board when a button is pressed.  (this works for me, but doesn't call the button callback upon wake, so you have to press once to wake and another for button press)

I'd like for the device to wake on sound, light, and motion.  Based on the document referenced above it seems theres a way to wake on sound, haven't yet figured it out.

Is there a sample for waking the device for sound.  I'm still learning and any direction would be greatly appreciated.

  • I understand the title of this help is now incorrect.

    I think I am experiencing something like:

    wake from GPIO using SENSE without a race condition - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone (nordicsemi.com)

    which ended with the developer saying it was related to pwm; which I am using.

    I can break up the sample into a smaller sample if need.
    The device works fine, except if you spam the button while it is shutting down and then it doesn't come back on a button press again without a reboot.  Worse still, it clears the i2c RTC time and ram when it happens.

    I have tried adding the code which turns off the PWM before shutdown.

    I can create another ticket that is more specifically named; but it would be named the same as the above ticket.  There's something wrong with the shutdown when the button is spamed.  I have added code that doesn't shut the device down when the button is HIGH;  It's like if the button is transitioning, the shutdown fails and the device becomes unresponsive.

  • I understand the title of this help is now incorrect.

    I think I am experiencing something like:

    wake from GPIO using SENSE without a race condition - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone (nordicsemi.com)

    which ended with the developer saying it was related to pwm; which I am using.

    I can break up the sample into a smaller sample if need.
    The device works fine, except if you spam the button while it is shutting down and then it doesn't come back on a button press again without a reboot.  Worse still, it clears the i2c RTC time and ram when it happens.

    I have tried adding the code which turns off the PWM before shutdown.

    I can create another ticket that is more specifically named; but it would be named the same as the above ticket.  There's something wrong with the shutdown when the button is spamed.  I have added code that doesn't shut the device down when the button is HIGH;  It's like if the button is transitioning, the shutdown fails and the device becomes unresponsive.
