wake on PDM microphone

I see there is a way to set an audio event exceeding a set threshold.

I found the nfc system_off sample and added button press to wake using:
nrf_gpio_cfg_sense_set(NRF_DT_GPIOS_TO_PSEL(DT_ALIAS(sw0), gpios), NRF_GPIO_PIN_SENSE_HIGH);
to wake the board when a button is pressed.  (this works for me, but doesn't call the button callback upon wake, so you have to press once to wake and another for button press)

I'd like for the device to wake on sound, light, and motion.  Based on the document referenced above it seems theres a way to wake on sound, haven't yet figured it out.

Is there a sample for waking the device for sound.  I'm still learning and any direction would be greatly appreciated.

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  • ncs\v2.6.1  I provided a sample of code,  I've provided a description of the situation.


    operates like the system_off nfc sample, it wakes and sleeps, the button wakes and second press buzzes until it turns off, but if pressed many times or randomly, it will not wake.  I've tried configuring the gpio from all over.  removing call backs.  etc.

    Using printk isn't really useful when the system gets shut off every 6 seconds.
    If I change the gpio from within system_off, i find it doesn't stay off and cycles instead on and off.


    The device I'm working on wants to be off and sense when the device moves, button press, or nfc tag is detected.
    The device becomes non responsive or continually resets itself randomly,
    is troublesome.
    https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/nrf/samples/nfc/system_off/README.html -- void field_sens_start(void) is referenced but not in sample code and its not clear to me where to use it and "When using the registers to wake up the device, replace start_nfc() with the following function:" isn't clear to me.
    I believe I might need to be using field_sens_start() when using nfc in my case but I do not understand.  I have tried many thing in the interrupt and in the thread to disable PWM and other peripherals; in my attempts to unstick this issue I may have caused myself more trouble.  I will try to commit some code to demonstrate some of the things I've tried. 
  • I just tried the tldr_sleep_wake_buzzer sample and spamming the button leads to nonresponsive device.  just press the button it turns on lights the light and plays a sound.  its not much code.

  • I decided against the additional commit with the code I attempted to resolve this issue.  None of those attempts worked.

  • Thank you for the patience.

    I reproduced your observation. I suspect that the issue lies with MCUboot processing the button but not 100% sure yet. 

    I will keep working on it and come back to you soon.

    In case you want to try, a simple test would be overlaying the MCUboot child image to use a different GPIO as the button instead of where the button really is.

  • Thank you for the response and glad to hear you were able to reproduce.  Your thoughts that it had to do with mcuboot is correct.  I was able to disable the mcuboot via CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT=n in the sample I provided.

     Disable MCUBoot on start-up 

    I'm not yet educated enough to know how to overlay the mcuboot child image to use a different GPIO. The device no longer locks up.  I would like to keep mcuboot for future upgrades so knowing how to resolve this another way aside disabling mcuboot would be nice.  This is progress though; 

    I will try this in my other code and see if this resolves the lockups.
    >> I tried in my other project; the code no longer runs at all, no button presses wake the device and reset also doesn't show a lit led as it normally would.  disabling mcuboot in my other project is not a general solution it appears.

    Thanks again. 
