HTTPS without T-FM and PSA


We are currently developing a WiFi library and just started on implementing HTTPS and ran into some issues. Since we don't have enough flash and memory for using the T-FM image, we decided to work on the secure build (without *ns).

As such we tried to get the exercise 'wififund_less5_exer2' running without PSA and T-FM, and using the CONFIG_WIFI_CREDENTIALS_BACKEND_SETTINGS as backend.

Unfortunately we always get the same error when calling connect():

[00:00:35.491,699] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: Network connected
[00:00:36.076,354] <inf> Lesson5_Exercise2: IPv4 address of HTTP server found
[00:00:36.100,402] <err> Lesson5_Exercise2: Connecting to server failed, err: 22, Invalid argument
[00:00:36.100,402] <err> Lesson5_Exercise2: Failed to initialize client

Which is exactly the same problem we're getting in our library.

Is it somehow possible to get HTTPS working without T-FM and PSA, using a different crypto? Or is it limited by the hardware/kernel?

Best regards,
Daniel Figueira

  • Hi once again.

    Maybe just to clarify, my end goal is to be able to perform HTTPS requests without the use of TF-M (previously I was unaware I could use PSA without TF-M) - ultimately we basically want to send data through HTTPS to an AWS server.

    With the HTTPS_client sample configs you provided I guess it is now proven that having HTTPS without TF-M can be done (which was not covered by the Wifi Fundamental tutorials)...

    However, after following your advice on how to download the certificates I needed through my web browser, I seem unable to use the HTTPS_client sample to connect to any server I tried except for "" and "" (which I managed to connect to after updating the version of the certificate I previously had).

    For any other well-known addresses out there, like '' for instance, I always get a ECONNABORTED error (113) with no further details, even though I'm using the certificates provided by my browser.

    After reading a bit on other tickets about the subject I tried to disable peer validation but still wasn't able to connect to '' which now leads me to wander if it might be somehow related to the cyphers I'm using (as suggested in the reply to:

    I'd appreciate some more help with this issue.

    Best regards,

  • Hi once again.

    Maybe just to clarify, my end goal is to be able to perform HTTPS requests without the use of TF-M (previously I was unaware I could use PSA without TF-M) - ultimately we basically want to send data through HTTPS to an AWS server.

    With the HTTPS_client sample configs you provided I guess it is now proven that having HTTPS without TF-M can be done (which was not covered by the Wifi Fundamental tutorials)...

    However, after following your advice on how to download the certificates I needed through my web browser, I seem unable to use the HTTPS_client sample to connect to any server I tried except for "" and "" (which I managed to connect to after updating the version of the certificate I previously had).

    For any other well-known addresses out there, like '' for instance, I always get a ECONNABORTED error (113) with no further details, even though I'm using the certificates provided by my browser.

    After reading a bit on other tickets about the subject I tried to disable peer validation but still wasn't able to connect to '' which now leads me to wander if it might be somehow related to the cyphers I'm using (as suggested in the reply to:

    I'd appreciate some more help with this issue.

    Best regards,
