When using the nRF9160DK with the cell monitor feature on nRF connect, was unable to get an LTE connection


Above is the trace and the commands inserted. We were unable to get a response using the at+cops? command. Both SIM cards were active that we tested. We tested band 12. Could you please take a look at the trace file and see if there's anything that we're missing?

Thank you!

  • Hi,

    I am using a 9160DK. I was using nRF connect serial terminal accessible via the Cellular Monitor app. It is a default app.I have taken all the steps in my screenshot, and these were custom instructions. I was unable to get LTE connection to work on the cellular monitor app either, but the SIM and trace checks are successful.

    Thank you!

  • Could you please answer the questions from before:

    Which nRF Connect SDK version are you using?

    Which Modem FW version are you using?

    We need this data to be able to do the testing.

    Also, could you insert the text in your image as actual text as well?

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    The Firmware version was


    And the nRF connect SDK version was:


    The text from the image:


    1. Set module to Minimum Functionality Mode
      1. at+cfun=0
    2. Set module to CAT-M only.
      1. at%xsystemmode=1,0,0,0
    3. Remove any band locks
      1. at%xbandlock=0
    4. Set band lock according to which network needs to be tested.
      1. AT&T uses Bands 2, 4 and 12
      2. T-Mobile uses Bands 2, 4, 5 and 12
      3. Each band should be tested individually
      4. Band 2: at%xbandlock=1,10
      5. Band 4: at%xbandlock=1,1000
      6. Band 5: at%xbandlock=1,10000
      7. Band 12: at%xbandlock=1,100000000000
    5. Set module to Active Mode
      1. at+cfun=1


    1. at+cemode=0
    2. at+cmee=1
    3. at+cnec=24
    4. at+cgerep=1
    5. at+cind=1,1,1
    6. at+cereg=5
    7. at+cgdcont=0,"IP","lpwa.vodafone.iot"


    1. Manually select the network to be tested
      1. AT&T: at+cops=1,2,”310410”
      2. T-Mobile: at+cops=1,2,”310260”
    2. Check the network selection status.
      1. at+cops?
    3. The module should respond with something like the below
      1. +COPS: 1,2,"310410",7
    4. Read the network signal values
      1. at%cesq=1
    5. The module should respond with something like the below
      1. OK
      2. %CESQ: 45,2,18,2
      3. Please record these values
    6. Set module to Minimum Functionality Mode
      1. at+cfun=0
    7. Repeat test for other bands

    Thank you,


  • Hi Elaine,

    Which application do you use on your nrf9160-dk? How did you flash it (which tool did you use)?

    Best regards,

  • For the trace file above, we manually installed the firmware. We used the Cellular Monitor application and connected to the serial terminal via that interface

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