custom chip flashing


When we flash the BLE Zephyr project to the external chip (nRF52833), do we need to add the SoftDevice controller .hex file as well, or does the merged .hex file include everything necessary?

Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • Hello Madusha,

    ''Yes I provided external power. Please find the attached Image

    Power supply = DIGILENT 
    Custom nrf chip = NRF52833-CJAA-B-R7''

    It looks from the picture attached that you programmed your custom board by DK. The voltage supported by external debugging/programming is VDD voltage. Normally, this is 3 V when running from USB is the voltage level for custom board is as same as the voltage of DK?

    I can not see any schematic here. Could you please upload your schematic file?



