custom chip flashing


When we flash the BLE Zephyr project to the external chip (nRF52833), do we need to add the SoftDevice controller .hex file as well, or does the merged .hex file include everything necessary?

Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • Use the DK as the power supply when programming the external board. 

    So do something like this. 

    But since you are using the 10pin connector, 

    here I have set up the nRF52833 DK and use it as a programmer to program a nRF5240 DK.

    GND to GND connected on both boards. Black jumper cable.

    VDD_nRF to VDD_nRF connected on boar boards, Orange jumper cable. 

    The red wire is just for shorting the current measurement P22 connector since I have that cut on that DK.  


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