How to do BLE DFU for nRF7002DK


I am trying to implement BLE DFU with nRF7002DK and SDK 2.7.0(Sorry but not use sysbuild yet.)

I tried to do BLE DFU with nRF7002DK referring to Lesson 8, but I cannot write to the external flash memory.
<err> mcumgr_img_grp: Failed to open flash area ID 1: -2

Also, the Device Manager app is giving me the error 'n must be >= 0'.

(Sorry, but I have no idea what the error means).

Of course, all jumpers from SB11 to SB14 are shorted.

I will attach the project so you can tell me what I am missing.

I think I need to set the MTU, but haven't tried it yet. Because I don't think this error has anything to do with MTU.

Best Regards,

Yoshihiro Goto.

  • Hi, 

    Please refer to this smp_svr_nRF7002DK.7z project which includes configs and overlay files for nRF7002DK and NCS v2.7.1 without sysbuild. 

    Beware that this code/configuration is not fully tested or qualified and should be considered provided “as-is”. Please test it with your application and let me know if you find any issues.

    Amanda H.

  • Dear Amanda,

    Thank you for sending me your sample project.

    I no longer get the '<err> mcumgr_img_grp: Failed to open flash area ID 1: -2' error, but instead get '<err> mcumgr_img_grp: Image upload inspect failed: 9'.

    Also in the device manager app, I no longer get the 'n must be >= 0' error, but instead I get 'Hash not found(8)' or 'No free slot(9)' errors.

    The progress bar in the Device Manager app shows that it appears to be able to DFU, but the firmware has not been updated.

    I need a little more help.

  • Dear Amanda,

    Thank you for sending me your sample project.

    I no longer get the '<err> mcumgr_img_grp: Failed to open flash area ID 1: -2' error, but instead get '<err> mcumgr_img_grp: Image upload inspect failed: 9'.

    Also in the device manager app, I no longer get the 'n must be >= 0' error, but instead I get 'Hash not found(8)' or 'No free slot(9)' errors.

    The progress bar in the Device Manager app shows that it appears to be able to DFU, but the firmware has not been updated.

    I need a little more help.
