How to do BLE DFU for nRF7002DK


I am trying to implement BLE DFU with nRF7002DK and SDK 2.7.0(Sorry but not use sysbuild yet.)

I tried to do BLE DFU with nRF7002DK referring to Lesson 8, but I cannot write to the external flash memory.
<err> mcumgr_img_grp: Failed to open flash area ID 1: -2

Also, the Device Manager app is giving me the error 'n must be >= 0'.

(Sorry, but I have no idea what the error means).

Of course, all jumpers from SB11 to SB14 are shorted.

I will attach the project so you can tell me what I am missing.

I think I need to set the MTU, but haven't tried it yet. Because I don't think this error has anything to do with MTU.

Best Regards,

Yoshihiro Goto.

Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    I tried to rebuild using the static partition function, but I get the same error.
    I am wondering if there is something wrong with the build message for the static partition. Specifically, the message that little_fs definitions are not included, etc.

    Are there any other issues that you can think of?
    If using sysbuild would solve the problem, I would use sysbuild.
    (The reason I am not using sysbuild is simply that I don't understand it.)
