Advertising doesn't change name after code update


I've been developing a DFU firmware that should update the device through Android. The thing is, the device works, but I changed the advertising name, and it still shows the old name when I try to update the device. I use the following function to update the name:

static void make_dev_name(void)
    ble_gap_addr_t device_address;
    uint8_t companyName[] = {"M"};
    uint8_t modelName[] = {"1"};
    uint8_t *macAddressName;
    uint8_t macTmp[12];

    macAddressName = Convert_Hex_To_Ascii(&device_address.addr[0], 4);
    memcpy(&DEVICE_NAME[0], companyName, 1);
    memcpy(&DEVICE_NAME[1], modelName, 1);
    memcpy(&DEVICE_NAME[2], macAddressName, 12);


Any idea why this issue occurs?

I used reference from here;

Parents Reply Children
  • Yes, I merge the following:

    1. Generate Settings File from application (a bootloader settings page that contains information about the current DFU process):
    nrfutil settings generate \
    --family NRF52 \
    --application app_file.hex \
    --application-version 0 \
    --bootloader-version 0 \
    --bl-settings-version 2 \

    2. Merge Bootloader Settings, Bootloader, Soft Device and Application (to create final application HEX file):

    mergehex -m \
    boot_settings_file.hex \
    secure_bootloader_file.hex \
    sXXX_softdevice_file.hex \
    app_file.hex \
    -o app_uart_0.0.1.hex

    Flashing the custom HEX image to your board
    3. Program hex file to NRF52 DK

    3.1 nrfjprog -f nrf52 --recover
    3.2 nrfjprog -f nrf52 --eraseall
    3.3 nrfjprog -f nrf52 --program app_file.hex --reset --verify

  • For debugging, I recommend creating the settings page with boot validation disabled. 

    --app-boot-validation NO_VALIDATION

    This will allow the bootloader to boot the app even if the debugger as loaded a slightly different version of the app image.
