ble sniffer in nrf52840 coded phy don`t work

Is there any update plan for the ble sniffer firmware after 4.1.1

The 4.1.1 version currently has bugs in the sniffed coded phy. Please refer to

Parents Reply Children
  • OK, I will test according to your prompts, thank you

    Best wishes

  • nrfutil install ble-snifffer
    Usage: nrfutil [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
    Try 'nrfutil --help' for help.

    Error: No such command 'install'.

    nrfutil --help
    Usage: nrfutil [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    -v, --verbose Increase verbosity of output. Can be specified more
    than once (up to -v -v -v -v).
    -o, --output <filename> Log output to file
    --help Show this message and exit.

    dfu Perform a Device Firmware Update over serial, BLE, Thread, Zigbee
    or ANT transport given a DFU package (zip file).
    keys Generate and display private and public keys.
    pkg Display or generate a DFU package (zip file).
    settings Generate and display Bootloader DFU settings.
    version Display nrfutil version.
    zigbee Zigbee-related commands and utilities.
