In my design, I have a push-button that pulls low when pressed and remains floating otherwise. This button is used to wake the nRF52832 from system off mode.
The push-button is connected to P0.11 which is configured as input with an internal pull-up. P0.11 is also configured to sense the input signal.
Additionally, I’m also using other GPIOs to wake the MCU from system off mode.
The issue I’m facing is as follows:
When a different GPIO (other than P0.11) wakes the MCU from system off mode and a reset occurs, the P0.11 pin is reset and no longer maintains its pull-up configuration. Instead, the signal is pulled low (though I’m not entirely sure why), which activates a latch even though the push-button wasn’t pressed.
I might have misunderstood the sequence of events.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.