nrf desktop in ncs SDK cant work when onnect to cmac os

When I was developing a keyboard using the nRF52840 with the NCS SDK, I found that the keyboard couldn't type on macOS when connected via USB or BLE. However, it worked perfectly on Windows and Android. I tried modifying the CONFIG_DESKTOP_DEVICE_VID and CONFIG_DESKTOP_DEVICE_PID to Apple's IDs, but it still didn't work. Could you help me solve this problem?

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Sorry for the delay but I am discussing this with experts.
    Also, why do you change the VID/PID to Apple IDs? I would suggest you to refrain from doing so because you cannot really know if there are some hardcoded quirks based on VID/PID in the host drivers.

    pipixia_1_1 said:
    I don't know how to modify it to be the same on the NCS SDK.

    Modification can be difficult because both are entirely different SDKs. The nRF5SDK is FreeRTOS based and the nRF Connect SDK is Zephyr based. 

    Is there any particular sample in the nRF5SDK that you wish to run using the nRF Connect SDK?

