Hi there!
May I know how to have UART00 on P2 like what is shown below as I wanted to have higher speed.
Is it the same as other UART assignments on P0 and P1?
Hi there!
May I know how to have UART00 on P2 like what is shown below as I wanted to have higher speed.
Is it the same as other UART assignments on P0 and P1?
Please see the cross power-domain section of the pin assignment documentation for the nRF54L15.
What pins specifically are you trying to use? Have you used a logic analyzer to see if any of the pins are doing anything?
Best regards,
Hi there!
I have read the link you shared before. I know it mentions dedicated pins in pin assignment table but I still want to know if I can use any P2 pins for UARTE00. For example, is it possible to use P2.06 to P2.09 for UART with flow control? I understand UART is not mentioned under description and dedicated function of P2.06 but I wanted to know if I can use it by configuration of certain registers.
Sorry. I missed that part.
You can't use P2.06 for UARTE00. You can look in the pin Assignment (Table 3) on this site what pins you can use for UARTE00. On P2, you can use:
I tested just now, and it worked only replacing this line:
psels = <NRF_PSEL(UART_TX, 2, 8)>, <NRF_PSEL(UART_RX, 2, 6)>;
with e.g.psels = <NRF_PSEL(UART_TX, 2, 8)>, <NRF_PSEL(UART_RX, 2, 7)>;
Best regards,
Hi there!
Thanks for the reply.
Is there any chance to use P2.06 on UARTE00? I understand this pin is not dedicated pin on P2 but P1.04 and P1.05 are also not dedicated ones on P1 which they can still be used as UARTE20 in UART sample code. My point is all mentioned pins are not dedicated ones based on the pin assignment table but why there is freedom on P1 but P2?
Regarding the baud rate problem, please kindly update to me when there is feedback from the developer
Thanks a lot!
Archiet said:Is there any chance to use P2.06 on UARTE00?
That doesn't seem to work.
I will update you when I know more about the baudrate issue.
The baudrate issue is fixed, and the fix will be included in future versions of NCS.
Best regards,
May I know when will the next NCS be available?
May I know when will the next NCS be available?
I don't know. If you want roadmap details, you should contact our Regional Sales Manager (RSM) for your area. If you don't have their contact details, please send me a DM here on DevZone, and link to this ticket.
Best regards,