Connect cross power-domain to UART00 on P2 of nRF54L15 DK

Hi there!

May I know how to have UART00 on P2 like what is shown below as I wanted to have higher speed.

Is it the same as other UART assignments on P0 and P1?


Parents Reply
  • Hi there! 

    Thanks for the reply.

    Is there any chance to use P2.06 on UARTE00? I understand this pin is not dedicated pin on P2 but P1.04 and P1.05 are also not dedicated ones on P1 which they can still be used as UARTE20 in UART sample code. My point is all mentioned  pins are not dedicated ones based on the pin assignment table but why there is freedom on P1 but P2? 

    Regarding the baud rate problem, please kindly update to me when there is feedback from the developer

    Thanks a lot!
