PaWR power consumption


MCU - nRF52832

I am trying to understand the power consumed during the PaWR operation. I am referring to the steps explained here:

Periodic Advertising with Responses (PAwR): A practical guide

I am getting the a similar graph shown in the above page. I have few questions regarding this.

  1. Between the peeks, I observe a current of 1.9 uA. Is this expected ? If I understand it correctly, the mcu should be in systemON between advertising events and this should not consume more than 1uA 

2. If I zoom into to one of the peeks, it looks like two events are happening. Do we know what exactly is happening here ? I am presuming the first one is when the MCU is receiving the subevent and the second one is when the mcu is sending the response. Is this correct ?
