Hi guys
I am trying to program a nrf51822 module but it is not recognized by the development kit.
These are the pins that I am using:
I can not see the module with NRFGo on Windows or on linux with Jlink console.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
Hi guys
I am trying to program a nrf51822 module but it is not recognized by the development kit.
These are the pins that I am using:
I can not see the module with NRFGo on Windows or on linux with Jlink console.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
Have you asked "Minew" about this?
Do they actually intend that this connection should be used for programming/debugging? (the fact that the pin is labelled just "DO" rather than "DIO" is suspicious...)
Hi awneil
"Minew" told us that the module can be programmable through the Nordic's Development kit. In fact, there is a tutorial using a similar module from the same company.
Programming a Minew Tech iBeacon Bluetooth module - Nordic nRF51822
Thanks for your answer!
What is the output of JLinkExe (J-Link Commander in windows)? If this successfully finds a target and a valid voltage, you shall also be able to contact the device using nrfjprog from command line:
nrfjprog --recover // do this just in-case nrfjprog --program nrfjprog --pinreset
The "blinky" demo is a good application for a visual indication to see if you are programming the nRF51-DK or your external board. The "program external board" feature is a bit tricky, as the voltage must be equal on the external board and the nRF51-DK, for it to work properly.
edit ; my first answer was incorrect. sorry.
Cheers, Håkon
Not sure if I understood correctly your problem but I'm using nRF52 and nRF51 DK boards to flash dozens of custom boards daily and my working set-up through external header P20 is:
Now key trick: you need to tell to SEGGER J-Link OB (on-board) that it should use P20 neither P19 nor internal connection to nRF5x chip. I do it through simple connection of P20 pins 2 and 3. Again it might work also with other shorts but this is what you are missing I believe.
Cheers Jan
I had a similiar problem. The cause was not enough current being supplied over USB (<=2.9V on DK, measured at VTG).
Try the following: Short circuit VDD over VTG to device.
This enabled me to programm all devices without any trouble. From my experience you need to have at least 2.95V to programm the NRF.