Hi guys
I am trying to program a nrf51822 module but it is not recognized by the development kit.
These are the pins that I am using:
I can not see the module with NRFGo on Windows or on linux with Jlink console.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
Hi guys
I am trying to program a nrf51822 module but it is not recognized by the development kit.
These are the pins that I am using:
I can not see the module with NRFGo on Windows or on linux with Jlink console.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
Not sure if I understood correctly your problem but I'm using nRF52 and nRF51 DK boards to flash dozens of custom boards daily and my working set-up through external header P20 is:
Now key trick: you need to tell to SEGGER J-Link OB (on-board) that it should use P20 neither P19 nor internal connection to nRF5x chip. I do it through simple connection of P20 pins 2 and 3. Again it might work also with other shorts but this is what you are missing I believe.
Cheers Jan
Not sure if I understood correctly your problem but I'm using nRF52 and nRF51 DK boards to flash dozens of custom boards daily and my working set-up through external header P20 is:
Now key trick: you need to tell to SEGGER J-Link OB (on-board) that it should use P20 neither P19 nor internal connection to nRF5x chip. I do it through simple connection of P20 pins 2 and 3. Again it might work also with other shorts but this is what you are missing I believe.
Cheers Jan
Hi endnode
Thanks for answering. I have tried with the connection of P20 pins 2 and 3 without results.
I am not using P20 pin 1. How do you use it?
Thanks in advance
Hi, hard to say what's wrong then. For me it works even when I play with second nRF5x DK board (if I bridge P20 SWD PINs to standard 10-pin SEGGER connector then I can flash nRF5x chip on the other DK without problems) so it might indicate problems with this one particular custom board. I'm using Pin 1 of P20 (VDD_nRF) to power target board by 3V. Yes, you can use other pins from other headers on nRF5x DK to achieve the same...
Cheers Jan
So, your external board does not have an external supply? .
I am using a C2032 battery to power up the module.
Well then you might skip connecting VCC to SH_VTG and instead just short PINs 2 and 3 (VIO and SH_VTG). Also could you use other target board - e.g. another nRF5x DK - and make your SEGGER J-Link OB work with it? Otherwise it can be any kind of HW/SW problem in your set-up (the only help I can provide is ton of pictures and videos how it works for me on several target boards + traces from nrfjprog or SEGGER J-Flash Lite but on WINDOWS;)
Cheers Jan
This configuration really works! Thank you su much, Jan! Had this problem for a long time...