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nrf51822 Minew's Module is not recognized by NRF51DK

Hi guys

I am trying to program a nrf51822 module but it is not recognized by the development kit.

These are the pins that I am using:

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I can not see the module with NRFGo on Windows or on linux with Jlink console.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!

  • Hi,

    Not sure if I understood correctly your problem but I'm using nRF52 and nRF51 DK boards to flash dozens of custom boards daily and my working set-up through external header P20 is:

    • P20 pin 4 for SWDIO
    • P20 pin 5 for SWDCLK
    • P20 pin 7 for SWD RESET (optional - many designs don't use this and even if they do you can skip it)
    • Powering: P20 pin 1 for 3V3
    • Ground: any GND pin on the DK (not sure if you can use pin 8 from P20, I use pins explicitly saying GND)

    Now key trick: you need to tell to SEGGER J-Link OB (on-board) that it should use P20 neither P19 nor internal connection to nRF5x chip. I do it through simple connection of P20 pins 2 and 3. Again it might work also with other shorts but this is what you are missing I believe.

    Cheers Jan

  • Hi,

    Well then you might skip connecting VCC to SH_VTG and instead just short PINs 2 and 3 (VIO and SH_VTG). Also could you use other target board - e.g. another nRF5x DK - and make your SEGGER J-Link OB work with it? Otherwise it can be any kind of HW/SW problem in your set-up (the only help I can provide is ton of pictures and videos how it works for me on several target boards + traces from nrfjprog or SEGGER J-Flash Lite but on WINDOWS;)

    Cheers Jan

  • Hi,

    Well then you might skip connecting VCC to SH_VTG and instead just short PINs 2 and 3 (VIO and SH_VTG). Also could you use other target board - e.g. another nRF5x DK - and make your SEGGER J-Link OB work with it? Otherwise it can be any kind of HW/SW problem in your set-up (the only help I can provide is ton of pictures and videos how it works for me on several target boards + traces from nrfjprog or SEGGER J-Flash Lite but on WINDOWS;)

    Cheers Jan

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