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nRF52840 DK . What would happen if

What would happen if using the recently released Programmer app from nRF Connect v 2.6.1 for PC, you accidentally erase all de contain inside the Device Memory Layout window? Would this nRF5280 DK board boot as it was doing before, that is, with a shinning LED5 and LED1 ? Could this be the reason why suddenly my board is no longer being recognized by my PC nor leds lit when the board is connected to the USB interface (although LED5 still lits intermittently if I enter the bootloader mode)?. And finally. Should I assume that my board has gone for good, or there is a way to recover its previous functionality? Thanks for your time and comprehension with a newbie fellow.

  • Hi Andreas. No, I didn't modify the board. The only thing I've done after initial setup working fine was, installing some additional tools to the basic toolchain and by doing so, maybe some sw conflicts could have arisen (?). Let me summarize the process. I am working in a 64bit windows10 machine but since in the "Nordic Tools and Downloads link", the nRFx Command Line Tools are only offered in a 32bit version, I did install this version. The board was being recognized and all leds were working as described in Nordics documentation. Then, using nRF Connect>Programmer, I accidentally erased de device memory layout content, but at the moment, I didn't notice any problem in the board. Later on, I continue trying to install the SDK and run the Keil MDK installer thinking it was mandatory to install the SDK. Then, I tried to program S140 SoftDevice through SES but since I couldn't, I tried with nRFgo Studio. Again I couldn't. Then I entered the Segger site and loaded J-Link v635g just in case. Then I realized that SDK was a library and wasn't to be installed but simply to be declared in the windows path. Finally,  and following recommendations, I moved the SDK directory to C:>Nordic>SDK. All I remember is that installing some of those features, I got some dialogue windows stating that the installation had failed because some 32/64 bit incompatibility with already installed sw had been found. It was the next day when I reboot the PC that I noticed the board was apparently dead (although as I mentioned, LED5 intermittently lits is I enter the bootloader mode). Off course an ESD shock could have always arisen, but this would be too much unlucky. Anyhow. Before I order a new board, I would appreciate your valuable opinion. Learning on your own is a sticky road. Thanks so much.

  • Hi.

    p143 said:
    (although as I mentioned, LED5 intermittently lits is I enter the bootloader mode).

     This is because the J-link driver on your PC is not able to communicate with the Segger chip, not that the board is in bootloader mode

    p143 said:
    I am working in a 64bit windows10 machine but since in the "Nordic Tools and Downloads link", the nRFx Command Line Tools are only offered in a 32bit version, I did install this version.

     We have a 64bit version, you can find it here. Can you delete the 32 bit version you have installed, and install the 64 bit version?

    Best regards.


  • Hi Andreas. I ditn`t lose the file. I just wanted to know what was its functionality. Thanks

  • Hi again.

    The .bin file is the J-Link OB firmware, which is needed for debugging and flashing the chip, you can read more about it here.

    Best regards.


  • Hi Andreas.

    I'm stuck again with the same problem, but this time is even more annoying. Now, when I try to paste the J-Link OB firmware bin file you sent me 10 days ago, the Bootloader folder showing after you get in bootloader mode ¡desappears! I read somewhere that some programs may conflict, so I did exit Dropbox, One Drive, Google Drive and Bitdefender, but no matter what I do including a change in the usb bay being used, the problem remains. Going deeper into the problem I noticed that even if I do nothing, the folder disappears by itself after 30 seconds. If I copy paste the referred bin file faster than this time window limit, then the folder also vanishes and windows explorer ask me to retry>yes> and finally it aborts the paste operation saying that he can not find the folder anymore. I tried more than 30 times though, so please Andreas. For my mental sanity ¿would you please tell me how to get around this annoying problem before I run mad? Thanks a lot. 

  • Hi.

    It is normal that the BOOTLOADER folder disappears after around 30 seconds.

    p143 said:
    I read somewhere that some programs may conflict, so I did exit Dropbox, One Drive, Google Drive and Bitdefender, but no matter what I do including a change in the usb bay being used, the problem remains.

     Where did you read this if I can ask?

    Can you try the following:

    1. Find a new USB cable

    2. Put the device in BOOTLOADER mode by holding button IF BOOT/RESET down, and turning power OFF, then turning power ON.

    3. Have the file ready to be dragged into the BOOTLOADER folder like this:

    4. Turn the power OFF, then turn the power ON.

    Does this work? If not, which number on the list does not work?

    Best regards,


  • I read It here, Andreas:

    .... There are known issues with this external programmer's bootloader mode, because it mounts what looks like a shared folder. Other applications such as Dropbox or image albums may see the newly mounted shared folder and think that they can do something with its content. Make sure not to select anything and not to close the popups from those applications. That way you should be able to use the folder yourself (as described in step 4 of the list you referred to.)



    kgislason 3 months ago in reply to tesc

    Hi tesc, 

    Thanks for your reply. Dropbox was the culprit for the issue, after leaving the window open the mount point stayed and I could flash the JLINK OB software again.

  • I read It here, Andreas:

    .... There are known issues with this external programmer's bootloader mode, because it mounts what looks like a shared folder. Other applications such as Dropbox or image albums may see the newly mounted shared folder and think that they can do something with its content. Make sure not to select anything and not to close the popups from those applications. That way you should be able to use the folder yourself (as described in step 4 of the list you referred to.)



    kgislason 3 months ago in reply to tesc

    Hi tesc, 

    Thanks for your reply. Dropbox was the culprit for the issue, after leaving the window open the mount point stayed and I could flash the JLINK OB software again.
