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NuS (Nordic Uart Service) windows example?

My Win10 app - needs to connect to an NRF52 that is using the "NuS" Service - and I can't use the WinRT or dotNET.

In this post:

The suggestion is to use a usb-ble dongle

My laptop has a BLE interface, I'd like to use the existing windows BLE interface to talk to the nrf52 running the NuS service.

I can't find examples for this on Windows - i can find Android examples, and IoS examples - but no win 10 examlples.

This post:

The reply from Joakim is to look at the Windows BLE Explorer ... which is a Windows App Store ...

These things are not command line tool friendly, and require a huge overhead that won't link with my existing codebase

What I'm looking for is a DLL or something - that can do four things:

1) Scan for existing NUS devices providing a list

2) connect to one of those - ie: open() or connect()

3) Let me read and write the tx/rx characteristics, ie:  read() and write()

4) Disconnect, ie: close() or disconnect()

It would be great if this was in C and worked directly with devices running the NuS service.


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