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Installing Command Line Tools 10.4.0 fails on MacOS (10.14.6)

Installing the new nRF-Command-Line-Tools_10_4_0_OSX.pkg fails on MacOS (10.14.6). The installer gets to the summary stage and displays an error "please contact the supplier".

Installing the 10.3.0 in the same way succeeds.


  • Do you have a folder name just "JLink" in this folder which points to your JLink_V654a folder?

    My current installation:

    $ pwd


    $ ls -l

    total 0

    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel    32 Nov 15 09:48 JLink -> /Applications/SEGGER/JLink_V654c

    drwxr-xr-x  41 root  wheel  1312 Jul 16 21:31 JLink_V644e

    drwxr-xr-x  48 root  wheel  1536 Nov 15 09:48 JLink_V654c

  • Yes:

    $ cd /Applications/SEGGER/
    $ ls -l
    total 0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 32 Nov 5 21:05 JLink -> /Applications/SEGGER/JLink_V654a
    drwxr-xr-x 46 root wheel 1472 Nov 4 22:34 JLink_V650b
    drwxr-xr-x 48 root wheel 1536 Nov 5 21:05 JLink_V654a

  • Please try to install nrfjprog v10.5.0 if you still see the issue. This release included some improvements that might be relevant to this. And if that doesn't help you may also try to install Jlink v.6.54c

  • Hey Vidor,

    I'm getting much further with 10.5.0, now it appears my JLinkARM device's serial number of '-1' is stopping things. I've attached the log here:

    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  ./nrfjprog --reset --program /Users/ufanders/Desktop/sketch_oct10a/sketch_oct10a.ino.feather_nrf52840_express.hex --sectorerase -f nrf52 --log 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  nrfjprog version 10.5.0 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  nRF_logger_open
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  nRF_logger_open:	nRFJProg logger opened to callback at address 0X10C1C1AB0
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  nRF_open_dll
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  nRF_open_dll:	Load library at "/Applications/Nordic Semiconductor/nrfjprog/libjlinkarm_nrf52_nrfjprogdll.dylib".
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . nRF52_logger_open
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . nRF52_logger_open:	nRFJProg logger opened to callback at address 0X10C24A130
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . nRF52_open_dll
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . Segger_logger_open
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . Segger_logger_open:	nRFJProg logger opened to callback at address 0X10C282C50
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . Segger_open_dll
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . Segger_open_dll:	Load library at "/Applications/SEGGER/JLink/libjlinkarm.6.54.3.dylib".
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . Segger_dll_version
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . Segger_set_core_data
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  nRF_enum_emu_snr
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . nRF52_enum_emu_snr
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . Segger_enum_emu_snr
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . Segger_enum_emu_snr
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_get_num_emus
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  nRF_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . nRF52_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . Segger_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . Segger_is_connected_to_emu
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . Segger_enum_emu_snr
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_get_num_emus
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	Segger logging enabled with callback at 0x4498928512.
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:015.635   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	Firmware: J-Link OB-STM32F072-CortexM compiled Jan  7 2019 14:09:37
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:023.725   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	Hardware: V1.00
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:024.120   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	S/N: 4294967295
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:024.364   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	OEM: SEGGER
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:024.651   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	Feature(s): GDB, RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, RDDI
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:027.583   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:027.907   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	WEBSRV Starting webserver
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:028.135   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:028.291 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	- 16.704ms returns O.K.  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:028.447 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:029.040 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	- 0.686ms returns 0x00  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:029.233 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...).   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:029.404 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	- 0.096ms returns 0x01  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:029.574 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...).   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:029.738 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	- 0.079ms returns 0x00  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:029.884 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...).   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:030.051 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	- 0.078ms returns 0x00  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:030.190   
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...)
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:030.323 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	- 0.197ms returns 0  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:030.455 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:031.208 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	- 0.837ms returns 0x00  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:031.363 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:031.591 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	- 0.297ms  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLinkARM.dll GetSN returned error -1.
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	T167EE5C0 000:042.044 
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr:	JLink INFO	JLINK_Close()  
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  nRF_close_dll
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . nRF52_close_dll
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . Segger_close
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . Segger_disconnect_from_emu
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . . . Segger_is_connected_to_emu
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  . . Segger_close:	Freeing Library.
    2019-Dec-07 23:39:11  nRF_close_dll:	Freeing Library.

    nrfjprog seems intent on /not/ checking the serial number, so why is it halting on the result of "Segger_connect_to_emu_without_snr"?


  • Excellent, it looks to be correctly installed now. But the SN shouldn't be '-1', maybe you have a jlink clone? I found a similar forum post about that here: In that case I would consider to be a Nordic dev kit. It has an on-board Jlink lite.   
