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I need help with converting any example from Keil to SES


I've been trying for days to convert any example from Keil to SES, I have road probably every question here on the dev zone but I am unable to fix this, I ever specially install windows on my mac to try if there it would work.

So, I have done everything from official nordic documents, I've been through several problems which I happily solve, but that I'm not able to.

I get those errors:

unplaced section: .log_dynamic_data_app [nrf_log_frontend.o], size=12, align=4

undefined symbol: __SRAM_segment_end__

undefined symbol: __start_log_const_data

undefined symbol: __start_log_dynamic_data

undefined symbol: __stop_log_const_data

I'm working on latest SEGGER, I have tried latest SDK, also 14.2 . The same errors. 

Thanks for reply

Parents Reply
  • To run from Eclipse debugger, first select the project BlueIOThingy.  Then select from the menu "Run/Debug Configurations...".  You'll see a popup.  From the left you see a list of selections.  look for JLink.  Create a new configuration.    You see 

    Browse and select your BlueIOThingy.elf you want to use. Then select Debugger tab

    Set NRF52832_XXAA in the device name box.  Then click debug.  It will flash and start debugging mode.

    The BlueIOThingy firmware is made for this board.

    It's available at

    To use it on a different board. You need to modify the code for your own board.  The current board uses the BME680 and the ICM-20948 sensors.
