Hi All,
I am trying to design a BLE module based on the nRF52840 Configuration 6 (Only Battery) provided in the product specification document.
To get started I was using the footprint schematic provided by Nordic for the nRF52840 Dongle. It seems like pin positions of VDD and VDDH/ DCCH in the product specification document are different than in the Schematic provided for the Dongle.
When I check the parts, the one provided in the Dongle schematic is "nRF52840-QIAAC0" and the one provided in the documentation is QIAA aQFN73. Please see the attached images below and few of my questions.
1. Which schematic/ footprint should I proceed with?
2. I am also planing to enable DCDC regulator if required. Is it ok to connect pins DCCH and VDD with a 10nH inductor, and DCC-DEC4 with series 15nH and 10uH inductors even if I don't use DCDC regulator? Please see the attachments below.
3. If I enable DCDC regulator, does it degrades RF performance? Will I have to use external RF amplification?
Thanks a lot!!