hello Nordic
i am working with nrf52840, with zephyr (i am new to zephyr)
i am trying to connect to a low power magnetic sensor (si7210-00-iv)
my i2c sometimes works and sometimes fail (gets nack), not sure why .. maybe you have an idea ?
the i2c is configured to 100khz. and the init of the driver that uses the i2c is run before kernal and app, i don't know if how or if i can configure stop bits or nacks or repeated start (if there is something like )
with oscilloscope looks like this (first photo is when it works, it can be seen that the 9'th bit is low on the second byte transferred):
the following photos are when i2c fail, on ack, and it can be seen that the 9'th bit is high in the second byte, which i guess signal the device something and it does not give a ack
any ideas will be appritiated
best regards