hello_world debug problem on nrf52840dk VS Code.


I faced the exact problem nda, here. I take step just like nda did before. I unchecked "Enable debug options" as Marte Myrvold told, but still the same problem.

OS: Windows 10

SDK: v1.8.0


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  • Hi Priyanka,

    Now nrf52840dk is in my hand. The hex file and project you provided are working with no problem. I also tested other examples.

    To flash the custom hardware, I used the debug output P20 from nrf52840dk:

    VDD nRF -> VDD target

    VDD nRF -> VTG

    (These three pins are connected to each other)



    GND DETECT -> gnd target

    Again I faced the same error as I mentioned in the first message of this topic.

    Then I tried the blinky example from nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v4.1.0 and it worked. So the wiring between custom board and the nrf52840dk is OK.

    In the next step, I tried to flash the DK with the Zephyr's blinky hex file using Keil. In the DK it worked, but in the custom board it didn't. Then i decide to re-flash the custom board with  nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v4.1.0 blinky project using Keil. It didn't work either UNLESS I erased the custom board using jflah. Then, flashing the custom board with nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v4.1.0 blinky project using Keil worked.

    Next, I tried to flash another custom board (maybe the first custom board was damaged), I got the same result. I got back to my design, I realized the pull up resistor and capacitor for the RESET pin aren't soldered (some times that was the issue for not working AVRs) but it didn't help.

    Maybe there is a problem with the module (maybe it's a fake one) or the nrf52840 chip. I realized the chip mounted on the DK is "NRF52840_xxAA_REV2" but on the module "NRF52840_xxAA" is mounted.

    Do you have any idea?

    I attach my PCB design, please evaluate it, maybe you find something.



  • Hi,

    When you try to flash the Zephyr's blinky sample onto the custom board, what is the error message that you get. 

