unexpected end of JSON input

I have tried installing the nrf connect 3.11.1 on 2 different windows 10 machines.  Both are clean windows 10 installs. The hard drives were wiped and windows reinstalled.

When I try to install the tool chain manager I get the error "unexpected end of JSON input". 

I tried the recommended solutions from both of these tickets.

 Unexpected end of JSON Input Error after installing nRFConnect for Desktop 

 Unexpected end of JSON Input Error after installing nRFConnect for Desktop 3.11.1 

Neither one worked.

The other apps all install correctly only the tool chain manager fails.

Is there some other dependency I need to install?

Parents Reply
  • Can you please provide more information? Our team is not able to reproduce. Are you installing on corporate computers? Are you behind a firewall? 

    When I try to install the tool chain manager I get the error "unexpected end of JSON input". 

    This is when you install the Toolchain Manager app itself in nRF Connect for Desktop? As described in the links you provided?

    Are you able to open the developer view in the Toolchain Manager window by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+i ?


