nrf52840 S140 Central DFU Bluetooth Zephyr 2.0.0 nrf52840 peripheral

We have nrf52840 S140 BLE Central device that currently connects to TI based sensors. I have implemented code that can upgrade those TI sensors' firmware using the TI BLE protocol.

Now we are developing our own BLE peripheral sensors also based on the nrf52840 but now using the newly supported Zephyr 2.0.0. RF connect stuff. I can update the sensors using the Nordic Android program (unauthenticated for now) and now need to implement upgrading BLE DFU using our central device which connects to a cellular gateway.

I do not want to reinvent the wheel, writing existing code, like I had to do with the TI sensors.

Could you point me to code that allows a Central device to update a peripheral device BLE DFU?

If not where can I look to reinvent another wheel?

Thanks David

  • Have a look at the sample Bluetooth: Central SMP Client

    Then use the SMP sever Sample on the Bluetooth Peripheral device

    Currently it is only possible to send the echo command from the Central SMP Client, so you would have to implement the other commands yourself, like upload, listtest and so on.. 

    Best regards,


  • Now I have gotten back to this issue with our custom sensor hardware to arrive next week.

    I have used the Android nRF Toolbox app successfully to update an unsigned image whereas the Nordic DFU tool did not work.

    I understand that the Android apps use the SMP protocol that ties in with the img_mgmt libraries.

    Where can I find documentation on what the Android app does so I can reproduce it in c in my central device?

    Without any documentation it will be very hard for me to reverse engineer the Java somehow.

    I do not want to have to add more code in the sensor to handle a custom DFU if possible since it already exists and the Zephyr junk makes a giant image anyway.

    I saw a post with my exact request,  but I understand that it is not a priority issue.

     BLE DFU, MCU to MCU (Zephyr), GATT DFU SMP Service Clinet 

    I also saw a SoftDevice (not Zephyr) example post of what I need but uses the old DFU stuff I think and SoftDevice APIs

     Mesh DFU: Serial transfer of DFU archive 

    I need much more information to implement upload,list & test SMP commands that evidently exist in my sensor using the SMP server.

    Could it be that the Android app used some legacy DFU?

    Thanks David

  • Hi again,

    Sorry for the quick succession of answers,
    but I asked a colleague who knows a bit more than me about Bluetooth Low Energy, and they say that the MTU is the payload size + 3 bytes of op-code and handle:
    payload = mtu - 3

    Sigurd Hellesvik

  • Thanks for your help.

    After thinking I was advancing on the DFU, I must have changed something in the central or the sensor since I can't seem to upload now.  I created two images with just my date changed that I wanted to test between them. I do not get a reply from my first packet. My images are not built with the imgtool .

    The cellular nRFConnect app behaves differently each time.

    Connecting,Starting DFU,Upload,Validating (long time) & Disconnect.

    Sometimes there is no Upload.

    Very frustrating...

  • DavidKaplan said:
    I must have changed something in the central or the sensor since I can't seem to upload now.

    Probably not my place to ask, but:

    Do you use git?
    It would make it easier to track your changes and figure out what changed since last time.

    Most people use git, so I assume you do. Just had to check in case not.
    However, know that it can definitively be frustrating even with git, especially when I (usually) forget to make commits as frequently as I maybe should.

    Sigurd Hellesvik

  • You are most likely correct that i should use git as now I take a zip snap-shot once or twice a day.

    I found that I had recompiled my sensor code deleting my manual BLE image transfer code since I am hoping to get the SMP stuff working and that was causing the problem. Most likely a proj.confg define that I had added for manual BLE image transfer, but I will figure out that later on.

    Now I tried without the image tool to upload, list, test & reset and the reset command does not work.

    Do I need a special define for It?

    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:09[.ami_vibe.c:1885] CentralStatusReply OnLine:0F
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:09[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:369200/372827
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:09[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:369600/372827
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:09[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:370000/372827
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:09[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:370400/372827
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:09[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:370800/372827
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:09[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:371200/372827
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:09[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:371600/372827
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:09[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:372000/372827
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:10[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:372400/372827
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:42 |  09/01/2023 13:09:10[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:372800/372827
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:43 |  09/01/2023 13:09:10[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 843] SMP UploadOK
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:43 |  09/01/2023 13:09:10[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c:1127] ImageList
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:43 |  09/01/2023 13:09:10[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c:1130] ImageTest
    01-09 13:08 09/01/2023 11:08:43 |  09/01/2023 13:09:11[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c:1133] ImageReset

    Now I tried without the image tool to upload, list & test and after manually resetting the sensor, the uploaded image was not running.

    01-09 13:18 09/01/2023 11:18:36 |  09/01/2023 13:19:04[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:370800/372827
    01-09 13:18 09/01/2023 11:18:37 |  09/01/2023 13:19:04[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:371200/372827
    01-09 13:18 09/01/2023 11:18:37 |  09/01/2023 13:19:04[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:371600/372827
    01-09 13:18 09/01/2023 11:18:37 |  09/01/2023 13:19:04[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:372000/372827
    01-09 13:18 09/01/2023 11:18:37 |  09/01/2023 13:19:04[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:372400/372827
    01-09 13:18 09/01/2023 11:18:37 |  09/01/2023 13:19:04[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 683] DFU:372800/372827
    01-09 13:18 09/01/2023 11:18:37 |  09/01/2023 13:19:04[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c: 843] SMP UploadOK
    01-09 13:18 09/01/2023 11:18:37 |  09/01/2023 13:19:04[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c:1127] ImageList
    01-09 13:18 09/01/2023 11:18:37 |  09/01/2023 13:19:04[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_smp.c:1130] ImageTest
    01-09 13:18 09/01/2023 11:18:38 |  09/01/2023 13:19:05[.ami_vibe.c:1941] ...[ami_ble.c:2561] DFUConnectFinishedErr:0

    I was able to get the image to update at some point yesterday.

    I guess I can try the image tool but I would like to get the SMP reset to work also.

    I run the tool after I build with VSCode?

    static int send_smp_reset(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp,const char *string)
    	static struct smp_buffer smp_cmd;
    	zcbor_state_t zse[CBOR_ENCODER_STATE_NUM];
    	size_t payload_len;
    	zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, ARRAY_SIZE(zse), smp_cmd.payload,
    			       sizeof(smp_cmd.payload), 0);
    	/* Stop encoding on the error. */
    	zse->constant_state->stop_on_error = true;
    	zcbor_map_start_encode(zse, CBOR_MAP_MAX_ELEMENT_CNT);
    	zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "d");
    	zcbor_tstr_put_term(zse, string);
    	zcbor_map_end_encode(zse, CBOR_MAP_MAX_ELEMENT_CNT);
    	if (!zcbor_check_error(zse)) {
    		d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Failed to encode SMP reset packet, err: %d", zcbor_pop_error(zse));
    		return -EFAULT;
    	payload_len = (size_t)(zse->payload - smp_cmd.payload);
    	smp_cmd.header.op = 2; /* Write */
    	smp_cmd.header.flags = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.len_h8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.len_l8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.group_h8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.group_l8 = 0; /* OS */
    	smp_cmd.header.seq = 0;  = 5; /* RESET */
    	return bt_dfu_smp_command(dfu_smp, smp_reset_rsp_proc,
    				  sizeof(smp_cmd.header) + payload_len,
    } // send_smp_reset

    Thanks David

  • OK.

    I flashed by the programmer a sensor with new code.

    I then uploaded successfully an unsigned image or at least  smp_upload_rsp_proc() finished without error.

    When I performed a list the central again crashed. I disconnected in the code again the sensor and saw yet another place there was an array overflow:

    			//decoding version value
    			char version_value[16]; // ?!? len=5 was [5]
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);

    I also saw that the Listed second slot (10 was not listed so its hash_value_secondary_slot was not retrieved. It is used in both Test and confirm!

    I could dynamically check every array value.len before copying or just increase all.

    How do I know that tomorrow I will not overflow somewhere?

    Another image that I also programmed never returned from the first upload packet.

    I need to have bullet proof BLE DFU with maybe oe or two retries.

    That is the reason that I put on hold my own image BLE image transfer and write mechanism.

    It worked sometimes 2/3 of the time.

    Tomorow I may try the signed image, but it does not look trivial to set up.

    I may need to work on other projects.

    On this project, I am left just with BLE DFU upgrades.

     1) SMP reset did not work.

     2) List gave only slot zero so could not use test or confirm.

    Thanks David

  • OK.

    I flashed by the programmer a sensor with new code.

    I then uploaded successfully an unsigned image or at least  smp_upload_rsp_proc() finished without error.

    When I performed a list the central again crashed. I disconnected in the code again the sensor and saw yet another place there was an array overflow:

    			//decoding version value
    			char version_value[16]; // ?!? len=5 was [5]
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);

    I also saw that the Listed second slot (10 was not listed so its hash_value_secondary_slot was not retrieved. It is used in both Test and confirm!

    I could dynamically check every array value.len before copying or just increase all.

    How do I know that tomorrow I will not overflow somewhere?

    Another image that I also programmed never returned from the first upload packet.

    I need to have bullet proof BLE DFU with maybe oe or two retries.

    That is the reason that I put on hold my own image BLE image transfer and write mechanism.

    It worked sometimes 2/3 of the time.

    Tomorow I may try the signed image, but it does not look trivial to set up.

    I may need to work on other projects.

    On this project, I am left just with BLE DFU upgrades.

     1) SMP reset did not work.

     2) List gave only slot zero so could not use test or confirm.

    Thanks David

  • This morning I tried to upload to DFU and got stuck after the first block. My sensor flashes its led when connected and it did not keep flashing. 

     I changed my sensor proj.cong file to have all of the defines as in the smp_srv example.

    I added the --pad in the proj

    # Copyright (c) 2018 Nordic Semiconductor
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Nordic-5-Clause
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # smp_srv proj.confg below:
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Enable mcumgr.
    # Some command handlers require a large stack.
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_SYSTEM_WORKQUEUE_STACK_SIZE=2304
    # Ensure an MCUboot-compatible binary is generated.
    # Enable flash operations.
    # Required by the `taskstat` command.
    # Support for taskstat command
    # Enable statistics and statistic names.
    # Enable most core commands.
    # Enable logging
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # smp_srv overlay-bt.confg below:
    # Allow for large Bluetooth data packets.
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Enable the Bluetooth mcumgr transport (unauthenticated).
    # Enable the Shell mcumgr transport.
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_SMP_SHELL=y
    # Enable the mcumgr Packet Reassembly feature over Bluetooth and its configuration dependencies.
    # MCUmgr buffer size is optimized to fit one SMP packet divided into five Bluetooth Write Commands,
    # transmitted with the maximum possible MTU value: 498 bytes.
    # Enable the LittleFS file system.
    # Enable file system commands
    # Enable the storage erase command.
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # New definions below:
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # AMI definions below:
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Enable Dynamic name modification
    # Maximum character of the device name
    # (Range: 2 to 248)
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_BT_SMP=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_BT_SIGNING=y
    # If yes then there is a random MAC advertised
    # Allow for updating data length
    # Allow for Phy change
    # Device Information
    # Below is setup to let DIS information be read from settings
    # TX Power
    # Passkey not used
    # for Spectral|Impact DSP
    # Watchdog
    # GPIO
    # I2c for 24LC512
    # EEPROM
    # SPI for LSM6DSL
    # LSM6DSL
    # Power management
    # ADC
    # Timers
    # ----------------------------------------
    # USE RTT  Instead of Uart
    # ----------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------------------
    # below for Cellular DFU
    # ----------------------------------------
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_ZCBOR=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_ZCBOR_STOP_ON_ERROR=y
    # ----------------------------------------
    # below for DFU
    # ----------------------------------------
    # Enable mcumgr.
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR=y
    # DFU Target ?!? new
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_DFU_TARGET=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_DFU_TARGET_MCUBOOT=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_STREAM_FLASH_ERASE=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_STREAM_FLASH=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_IMG_ERASE_PROGRESSIVELY=y
    # nRF9160 Flash page is 0x1000 = 4096
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_IMG_BLOCK_BUF_SIZE=4096
    # ?!? new 14-Dec-2022
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_IMG_MANAGER=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUBOOT_IMG_MANAGER=y
    # ?!? new 14-Dec-2022
    # The image management command handlers makes it possible to upload, list, test and confirm the image(s)
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_CMD_IMG_MGMT=y
    # The OS management command handlers makes it possible to reset the chip (and run the echo command).
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_CMD_OS_MGMT=y
    # Ensure an MCUboot-compatible binary is generated.
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT=y
    # Allow for large Bluetooth data packets for uploading binary (Nordic Definitions)
    # commented when smp srv stuff added
    # Enable the Bluetooth (unauthenticated) and shell mcumgr transports.
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_SMP_BT=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_SMP_BT_AUTHEN=n
    # ----------------------------------------
    # Below from the throughput example
    # ----------------------------------------
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_BT_GAP_AUTO_UPDATE_CONN_PARAMS=n
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_BT_USER_DATA_LEN_UPDATE=y
    # ----------------------------------------
    # Below from the smp srv example
    # ----------------------------------------
    # Allow for large Bluetooth data packets.
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_MTU=498
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_BT_BUF_ACL_RX_SIZE=502
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_BT_BUF_ACL_TX_SIZE=502
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DATA_LENGTH_MAX=251
    # Enable the Bluetooth mcumgr transport (unauthenticated).
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_SMP_BT=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_SMP_BT_AUTHEN=n
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_SMP_BT_CONN_PARAM_CONTROL=y
    # Enable the Shell mcumgr transport.
    # ?!? no need for shell CONFIG_MCUMGR_SMP_SHELL=y
    # Enable the mcumgr Packet Reassembly feature over Bluetooth and its configuration dependencies.
    # MCUmgr buffer size is optimized to fit one SMP packet divided into five Bluetooth Write Commands,
    # transmitted with the maximum possible MTU value: 498 bytes.
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_SMP_REASSEMBLY_BT=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_BUF_SIZE=2475
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_OS_MGMT_MCUMGR_PARAMS=y
    # Enable the LittleFS file system.
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_FILE_SYSTEM=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_FILE_SYSTEM_LITTLEFS=y
    # Enable file system commands
    # Enable the storage erase command.
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_GRP_ZEPHYR_BASIC=y
    # ?!? remarked 10-01-2023 CONFIG_MCUMGR_GRP_BASIC_CMD_STORAGE_ERASE=y
    I can use the nRFConnect app to DFU the image without problem.
    The CONFIG_REBOOT=y did not help my SMP reset problem as far as I can see.
    I need code that works as the app, though I do not know what it is doing exactly when it displays its different status messages.
    I maybe could covert the central and the sensor to both run on SDKs and make a serial PC app that would stream the image to the central as requested.
    I then could let Nordic support see the problems.
    I would need both AMI and Nordic management OKs for this.
    I do not know exactly how to advance.
    Both SMP ZCBOR and my manual transfers were not reliable.
    Thanks David
  • Hi David,

    Thanks for testing my suggestion.

    To get more insight into the issue, I think that I need to set up Simons sample on my end.
    I will do so and return with my status tomorrow.

    DavidKaplan said:
    I maybe could covert the central and the sensor to both run on SDKs and make a serial PC app that would stream the image to the central as requested.
    I then could let Nordic support see the problems.
    I would need both AMI and Nordic management OKs for this.
    I do not know exactly how to advance.

    I do not understand what you mean by this, could you explain a bit more?

    Sigurd Hellesvik

  • I could comment out any hardware specific code on our central and Sensor.

    In order to simulate correctly image transfer which is done by the serial connection from our Central host, I could build a simple PC program that streams any specified image as the central requests it.

    Simon's test code used the central's flash as storage for the sensor's image.

    I stream it from our host's flash as needed.


  • DavidKaplan said:
    I maybe could covert the central and the sensor to both run on SDKs and make a serial PC app that would stream the image to the central as requested.
    I then could let Nordic support see the problems.
    I would need both AMI and Nordic management OKs for this.
    I do not know exactly how to advance.
    Both SMP ZCBOR and my manual transfers were not reliable.
    Thanks David

    I think you are moving a bit too fast for me to follow.

    1. Do you currently try to use Simons sample SMP Client without changes?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. Have Simons sample SMP Client ever worked for you?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Are your current solution of the SMP Client doing a or b?
      1. Storing new image to flash
      2. Streaming data directly
    4. Is your end goal to do either a, b or c
      1. Store new image in flash of SMP Client before sending it to the SMP Server
      2. Stream image via SMP Client to the SMP Server
      3. Does not matter as long as SMP from client works.

    In addition to this, if you are able: Can you draw a simple block diagram of your DFU design so that I can understand better?

    Sigurd Hellesik

  • I tried to answer as well as I can. I could not find my ruler but his is my block diagram:

    I could run my sensor code on SDKs with the special hardware additions commented out.

    I could run our Central code on any SDK since there are no hardware additions.

    Any PC could be used as the host as I could write a program that streamed the image file to the Central when requested.


    1) Do you currently try to use Simons sample SMP Client without changes?

     NO, I can't store sensor images in the Central's internal flash using any local serial interface since the units are in the field and only have modem access and in any case, images must be streamed from the board's host micro-controller which has cellular modem access to the Central. The Host is responsible for updating both the Central and sensors by way of the Central. 

     There are very few changes in the Simon's code such as using error numbers instead of local printouts in his callback functions and not waiting for the image upload semaphore forever. In the

    smp_list_rsp_proc(0 function, I had to increase two array sizes, but I could also just not parse anything but the 2 slot's hash values.
    2) Have Simons sample SMP Client ever worked for you?
     No. Mostly the upload smp_upload_rsp_proc() would return all OK, but then there would be no response from the sensor to the first packet sent by bt_dfu_smp_command() which returns zero. I have compared roughly that the first packet's streamed bytes are identical as the file image bytes.
    3) Are your current solution of the SMP Client doing a or b?
      a) Storing new image to flash - No
      b) Streaming data directly - Yes
    4) Is your end goal to do either a, b or c
      a) Store new image in flash of SMP Client before sending it to the SMP Server
          I could stream the image from the host to the SMP Client's internal flash, but I thought it would just add another step and flash wear as updates can be quite frequent. It does have an advantage that I would not have to stream the image from the host multiple times when I DFU each sensor but this only adds a little more time. Time vs flash wear. The Central must also be able to be updated by the serial interface from the host. I do not use SMP for this and it seems to work OK.
      b) Stream image via SMP Client to the SMP Server
         This is the way I went. I keep a ring buffer filled and instead of reading from the flash, flash_read(), I read from the ring buffer. I could even retry if I kept the last data read from the ring buffer is a local array.
      c) Does not matter as long as SMP from client works.
        I just want sensor DFU to work, you are correct. 
    I set in the child_image/mcuboot.conf the boot move define.

    ### ?!? 18-Dec-2022 Without this swap is used which limits upgrades 10000 / (150 / 4) ~ 267
    Below is my Central SMP code which you can see is very similar to Simon's original code.
    I am some dyslectic so I could messed up a line.
    d_printf is my function that prints with code file name and line number.
    The AMI_SMP_PRINT defined is not set and I let the messages in the callbacks for reference purposes.
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT        
              d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Unexpected operation code (%u)!",smp_rsp_buff.header.op);
    /* main.c - Application main entry point */
     * Copyright (c) 2019 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
     * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Nordic-5-Clause
    #include <zephyr/types.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <zephyr/kernel.h>
    #include <zephyr/sys/printk.h>
    #include <zcbor_encode.h>
    #include <zcbor_decode.h>
    #include <zcbor_common.h>
    #include <zephyr/bluetooth/bluetooth.h>
    #include <zephyr/bluetooth/hci.h>
    #include <zephyr/bluetooth/conn.h>
    #include <zephyr/bluetooth/uuid.h>
    #include <zephyr/bluetooth/gatt.h>
    #include <bluetooth/gatt_dm.h>
    #include <zephyr/sys/byteorder.h>
    #include <bluetooth/scan.h>
    #include <bluetooth/services/dfu_smp.h>
    #include <dk_buttons_and_leds.h>
    #include <zephyr/sys/ring_buffer.h>
    #include <zephyr/device.h>
    #include <drivers/flash.h>
    #include "aqua_def.h"
    #include "d_printf.h"
    #include "ami_uart_host.h"
    #include "ami_smp.h"
    #include "ami_ble.h"
    #include "ami_timer.h"
    #include "ami_watchdog.h"
    static struct bt_dfu_smp dfu_smp;
    static struct k_work dfu_work_item;
    K_SEM_DEFINE(upload_sem, 1, 1);
    /* Buffer for response */
    struct smp_buffer {
    	struct bt_dfu_smp_header header;
    	uint8_t payload[512]; //300
    static struct smp_buffer smp_rsp_buff;
    static char hash_value_secondary_slot[33];
    static char hash_value_primary_slot[33];
    static uint8_t which_work;
    static void dfu_smp_on_error(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp, int err)
    	d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"DFU SMP generic error: %d", err);
    } // dfu_smp_on_error
    static const struct bt_dfu_smp_init_params init_params = {
    	.error_cb = dfu_smp_on_error
    static void smp_reset_rsp_proc(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp)
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    	d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"RESET RESPONSE CB. Doing nothing");
    } // smp_reset_rsp_proc
    static void smp_upload_rsp_proc(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp)
    	uint8_t *p_outdata = (uint8_t *)(&smp_rsp_buff);
    	const struct bt_dfu_smp_rsp_state *rsp_state;
    	rsp_state = bt_dfu_smp_rsp_state(dfu_smp);
    	if (rsp_state->offset + rsp_state->chunk_size > sizeof(smp_rsp_buff)) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    	  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Response size buffer overflow");
    		  p_outdata += rsp_state->offset;
    	if (bt_dfu_smp_rsp_total_check(dfu_smp)) {
    		if (smp_rsp_buff.header.op != 3 /* WRITE RSP*/) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Unexpected operation code (%u)!",smp_rsp_buff.header.op);
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+1;
    		uint16_t group = ((uint16_t)smp_rsp_buff.header.group_h8) << 8 |
    		if (group != 1 /* Application/software image management group */) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Unexpected command group (%u)!", group);
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+2;
    		if ( != 1 /* UPLOAD */) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Unexpected command (%u)",;
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+3;
    		size_t payload_len = ((uint16_t)smp_rsp_buff.header.len_h8) << 8 |
    		zcbor_state_t zsd[CBOR_DECODER_STATE_NUM];
    		struct zcbor_string value = {0};
    		bool ok;
    		zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, ARRAY_SIZE(zsd), smp_rsp_buff.payload, payload_len, 1);
    		// Stop decoding on the error.
    		zsd->constant_state->stop_on_error = true;
    		ok = zcbor_map_start_decode(zsd);
    		if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, start_decode (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+4;
    		// Decoding rc (status error code)
    		char rc_key[5];
    		ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    		if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, rc key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+5;
    		if (value.len != 2) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Invalid data received (rc key). Length %d is not equal 2", value.len);
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+6;
    		if (!strncmp(value.value,'rc', 2)){
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Invalid data received (rc key). String '%.2s' is not equal to 'rc'", value.value);
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+7;
    		memcpy(rc_key, value.value, value.len);
    		rc_key[value.len] = '\0';
    		// Decoding rc value
    		int32_t rc_value;
    		ok = zcbor_int32_decode(zsd, &rc_value);
    		if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, rc value (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+8;
    		if (rc_value){
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Error in image upload response: %d", rc_value);
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+9;
    		// Decoding offset key
    		char off_key[5];
    		ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    		if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, offset key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+10;
    		if ((value.len!=3)) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Invalid data received (rc key). Length %d is not equal 3", value.len);
     		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+11;
    		memcpy(off_key, value.value, value.len);
    		off_key[value.len] = '\0';
    		// Decoding offset value
    		int32_t off_val;
    		ok = zcbor_int32_decode(zsd, &off_val);
    		if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, offset value (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    		  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+12;
    		if (zcbor_check_error(zsd)) {
    		  //d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"%s: %d", off_key, off_val);
    		  //do nothing
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    			  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Cannot print received image upload CBOR stream (err: %d)",
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD+13;
    } // smp_upload_rsp_proc
    static void smp_list_rsp_proc(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp)
    	uint8_t *p_outdata = (uint8_t *)(&smp_rsp_buff);
    	const struct bt_dfu_smp_rsp_state *rsp_state;
    #ifdef AMI_DEBUG_BLE
      struct ami_timer wait_Timer;
      ami_state->bDebugBLE = true;
      // Disconnect before sending reply
      // Wait until VibeBT disconnects
      while (atomic_get(&ble_connected) && !ami_timer_expired(&wait_Timer)){
    	rsp_state = bt_dfu_smp_rsp_state(dfu_smp);
    	if (rsp_state->offset + rsp_state->chunk_size > sizeof(smp_rsp_buff)) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    	  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Response size buffer overflow");
    		  p_outdata += rsp_state->offset;
    	if (bt_dfu_smp_rsp_total_check(dfu_smp)) {
    		if (smp_rsp_buff.header.op != 1 && smp_rsp_buff.header.op != 3 ) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Unexpected operation code (%u)!",smp_rsp_buff.header.op);
    			ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_BAD_OPER;
    		uint16_t group = ((uint16_t)smp_rsp_buff.header.group_h8) << 8 |
    		if (group != 1 /* Application/software image management group */) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Unexpected command group (%u)!", group);
    			ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_BAD_GROUP;
    		if ( != 0 /* STATE */) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Unexpected command (%u)",;
    			ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_BAD_CMD;
    		size_t payload_len = ((uint16_t)smp_rsp_buff.header.len_h8) << 8 |
    		zcbor_state_t zsd[10];
    		struct zcbor_string value = {0};
    		bool ok;
    		zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, ARRAY_SIZE(zsd), smp_rsp_buff.payload, payload_len, 5);
    		/* Stop decoding on the error. */
    		zsd->constant_state->stop_on_error = true;
    		ok = zcbor_map_start_decode(zsd);
    		if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error 1, start_decode (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    		//Decoding images key
    		char images_key[10];
    		ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    		if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error 2, images key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    		memcpy(images_key, value.value, value.len);
    		images_key[value.len] = '\0';
    		//d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Images key: %s",images_key);
    		ok = zcbor_list_start_decode(zsd);
    		if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, start_decode images->list  (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    			ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_IMAGE_LIST;
    		for(int slot=0; slot<2;slot++){
    			ok = zcbor_map_start_decode(zsd);
    			if (!ok) {
    				if(slot == 0){
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    					d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Error decoding slot 0. Err: %d", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				}else if(slot == 1){
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    					d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"No secondary image present");
    					// No secondary image exists!
    					memset(hash_value_secondary_slot,0, sizeof(hash_value_secondary_slot));
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"-----------PRIMARY IMAGE-----------");
    			}else if(slot == 1){
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"-----------SECONDARY IMAGE-----------");
    			//Decoding slot key
    			char slot_key[5];
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, slot key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_SLOT_KEY;
    			memcpy(slot_key, value.value, value.len);
    			slot_key[value.len] = '\0';
    			//d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Slot key: %s",slot_key);
    			//Decoding slot value
    			int32_t slot_value;
    			ok = zcbor_int32_decode(zsd, &slot_value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, slot value (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_SLOT_VAL;
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"      %s: %d",slot_key,slot_value);
    			//Decoding version key
    			char version_key[16]; // ?!? len =7
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, version key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_DECODE_VER;
    			memcpy(version_key, value.value, value.len);
    			version_key[value.len] = '\0';
    			//d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"version key: %s",version_key);
    			//decoding version value
    			char version_value[16]; // ?!? len=5 was [5]
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, version value (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_VER_VAL;
    			memcpy(version_value, value.value, value.len);
    			version_value[value.len] = '\0';
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"      %s: %s",version_key,version_value);
    			//Decoding hash key
    			char hash_key[5];
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, hash key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_DECODE_HASH;
    			memcpy(hash_key, value.value, value.len);
    			hash_key[value.len] = '\0';
    			//d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"hash key: %s",hash_key);
    			//decoding hash value
    			char hash_value[40];
    			ok = zcbor_bstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, hash value (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_HASH_VAL;
    			memcpy(hash_value, value.value, value.len);
    			if(slot == 0){
    				memcpy(hash_value_primary_slot, value.value, value.len);
    			else if(slot == 1){
    				memcpy(hash_value_secondary_slot, value.value, value.len);
    			hash_value[value.len] = '\0';
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"      %s: 0x", hash_key);
    			for(int x = 0; x< value.len;x++){
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"%x", hash_value[x]);
    			//Decoding bootable key
    			char bootable_key[10];
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, hash key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_DECODE_BOOT;
    			memcpy(bootable_key, value.value, value.len);
    			bootable_key[value.len] = '\0';
    			//d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"bootable key: %s",bootable_key);
    			//Decoding bootable value
    			bool bootable_value;
    			bootable_value = zcbor_bool_expect(zsd, true);
    			if (!zcbor_check_error(zsd)) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, bootable value (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_BOOT_VAL;
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"      %s: %s",bootable_key, bootable_value?"true":"false");
    			//Decoding pending key
    			char pending_key[10];
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, pending key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_DECODE_PEND;
    			memcpy(pending_key, value.value, value.len);
    			pending_key[value.len] = '\0';
    			//d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"pending key: %s",pending_key);
    			//Decoding pending value
    			bool pending_value;
    			pending_value = zcbor_bool_expect(zsd, true);
    			if (!zcbor_check_error(zsd)) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, pending value (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_PEND_VAL;
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"      %s: %s",pending_key, pending_value?"true":"false");
    			//Decoding confirmed key
    			char confirmed_key[10];
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, confirmed key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    			memcpy(confirmed_key, value.value, value.len);
    			confirmed_key[value.len] = '\0';
    			//d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Confirmed key: %s",confirmed_key);
    			//Decoding confirmed value
    			bool confirmed_value;
    			confirmed_value = zcbor_bool_expect(zsd, true);
    			if (!zcbor_check_error(zsd)) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, confirmed value (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_CONFIRM_VAL;
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"      %s: %s",confirmed_key, confirmed_value?"true":"false");
    			//Decoding active key
    			char active_key[10];
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, active key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_DECODE_ACT;
    			memcpy(active_key, value.value, value.len);
    			active_key[value.len] = '\0';
    			//d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Active key: %s",active_key);
    			//Decoding active value
    			bool active_value;
    			active_value = zcbor_bool_expect(zsd, true);
    			if (!zcbor_check_error(zsd)) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, active value (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_ACT_VAL;
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"      %s: %s",active_key, active_value?"true":"false");
    			//Decoding permanent key
    			char permanent_key[10];
    			ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    			if (!ok) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, permanent key (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_DECODE_PERM;
    			memcpy(permanent_key, value.value, value.len);
    			permanent_key[value.len] = '\0';
    			//d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Permanent key: %s",permanent_key);
    			//Decoding permanent value
    			bool permanent_value;
    			permanent_value = zcbor_bool_expect(zsd, true);
    			if (!zcbor_check_error(zsd)) {
    				ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_PERM_VAL;
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    				d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error, permanent value (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"      %s: %s",permanent_key, permanent_value?"true":"false");
    } // smp_list_rsp_proc
    static void smp_echo_rsp_proc(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp)
    	uint8_t *p_outdata = (uint8_t *)(&smp_rsp_buff);
    	const struct bt_dfu_smp_rsp_state *rsp_state;
    	rsp_state = bt_dfu_smp_rsp_state(dfu_smp);
    	d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Echo response part received, size: %zu.",
    	if (rsp_state->offset + rsp_state->chunk_size > sizeof(smp_rsp_buff)) {
    		d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Response size buffer overflow");
    	} else {
    		p_outdata += rsp_state->offset;
    	if (bt_dfu_smp_rsp_total_check(dfu_smp)) {
    		d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Total response received - decoding");
    		if (smp_rsp_buff.header.op != 3 /* WRITE RSP*/) {
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Unexpected operation code (%u)!",
    			goto smp_echo_rsp_proc_end;
    		uint16_t group = ((uint16_t)smp_rsp_buff.header.group_h8) << 8 |
    		if (group != 0 /* OS */) {
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Unexpected command group (%u)!", group);
    			goto smp_echo_rsp_proc_end;
    		if ( != 0 /* ECHO */) {
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Unexpected command (%u)",
    			goto smp_echo_rsp_proc_end;
    		size_t payload_len = ((uint16_t)smp_rsp_buff.header.len_h8) << 8 |
    		zcbor_state_t zsd[CBOR_DECODER_STATE_NUM];
    		struct zcbor_string value = {0};
    		char map_key[SMP_ECHO_MAP_KEY_MAX_LEN];
    		char map_value[SMP_ECHO_MAP_VALUE_MAX_LEN];
    		bool ok;
    		zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, ARRAY_SIZE(zsd), smp_rsp_buff.payload, payload_len, 1);
    		/* Stop decoding on the error. */
    		zsd->constant_state->stop_on_error = true;
    		ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    		if (!ok) {
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    			goto smp_echo_rsp_proc_end;
    		} else if ((value.len != 1) || (*value.value != 'r')) {
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Invalid data received.");
    			goto smp_echo_rsp_proc_end;
    		} else {
    			/* Do nothing */
    		map_key[0] = value.value[0];
    		/* Add string NULL terminator */
    		map_key[1] = '\0';
    		ok = zcbor_tstr_decode(zsd, &value);
    		if (!ok) {
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Decoding error (err: %d)", zcbor_pop_error(zsd));
    			goto smp_echo_rsp_proc_end;
    		} else if (value.len > (sizeof(map_value) - 1)) {
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"To small buffer for received data.");
    			goto smp_echo_rsp_proc_end;
    		} else {
    			/* Do nothing */
    		memcpy(map_value, value.value, value.len);
    		/* Add string NULL terminator */
    		map_value[value.len] = '\0';
    		if (zcbor_check_error(zsd)) {
    			/* Print textual representation of the received CBOR map. */
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"{_\"%s\": \"%s\"}", map_key, map_value);
    		} else {
    			d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Cannot print received CBOR stream (err: %d)",
    } // smp_echo_rsp_proc
    #define PROGRESS_WIDTH 50
    static void progress_print(size_t downloaded, size_t file_size)
    #ifdef TBD
    	const int percent = (downloaded * 100) / file_size;
    	size_t lpad = (percent * PROGRESS_WIDTH) / 100;
    	size_t rpad = PROGRESS_WIDTH - lpad;
    	d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"\r[ %3d%% ] |", percent);
    	for (size_t i = 0; i < lpad; i++) {
    	for (size_t i = 0; i < rpad; i++) {
    		d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host," ");
    	d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"| (%d/%d bytes)", downloaded, file_size);
    	d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"DFU:%d/%d", downloaded, file_size);
    } // progress_print
    // send_upload2
    //  Description
    //   WorkItem that attempts to transfer a VibeBT OAD image
    //   Performed once for each DFU attempt
    //  Parameters
    //    item
    //  Returns
    #define UPLOAD_CHUNK		400// 50 //This has to be at least 32 bytes, since first it has to send the whole header (which is 32 bytes)
    void send_upload2(void)
    	    zcbor_state_t zse[2];
      	    size_t        payload_len;
    	    uint8_t       data[UPLOAD_CHUNK+1]; // One more byte, to store '/0'
    		int           start_addr   = 0;
    		int           curr_addr    = 0;
    		int           upload_chunk = UPLOAD_CHUNK;
    		int           last_addr;
    		int           err;
    	    bool          update_complete = false;
            uint8_t       wait_timeouts = 0;
    		ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_OK;
    		while (!update_complete){
    			struct smp_buffer smp_cmd;
    			zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, ARRAY_SIZE(zse), smp_cmd.payload,sizeof(smp_cmd.payload), 0);
    			// Wait until response is received until sending the next chunk
    			err = k_sem_take(&upload_sem, K_MSEC(AMI_DFU_MAX_TOTAL_MS/10));
    			last_addr    = ami_state->dfu.ImageSize.ulong;
    			if (ami_state->DFUErr){
    			  update_complete = true;
    			// Disconnected?
    			if (!atomic_get(&ble_connected)){
    			  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_DFU_ERR_DISCONNECTED;
    			  update_complete = true;
    			// No Error but semiphore times out!
    			if (err){
    			  if (wait_timeouts<10){
    //				goto upload_retry;
    			  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LOOP_TIMEOUT;
    			  update_complete = true;
    //            uint16_t mtu = bt_gatt_get_mtu(dfu_smp.conn);
    // ?!?			(zse->payload - smp_cmd.payload);
                wait_timeouts = 0;
    			if ((curr_addr+UPLOAD_CHUNK) > last_addr){
    				upload_chunk = last_addr - curr_addr;
    				update_complete = true;
    			// Try to get block from ringbuffer
    			uint16_t bytes_rd = 0;
    			uint16_t pos      = 0;
    			uint8_t  secs     = 0;
    			   uint16_t len = ring_buf_get(&dfu_ring_buf,&data[pos],upload_chunk-bytes_rd);
    			   // Wait for ringbuffer to refill
    			   if (len<=0){
    				 // Cause a chain reaction to fill the image buffer
    				 if (ami_state->dfu.ImageRingWrOffset.ulong<ami_state->dfu.ImageSize.ulong){
    					uint32_t free_space = ring_buf_space_get(&dfu_ring_buf);
    					if (free_space>=(VIBEBT_DFU_BLOCK_SIZE*3)){
    					// Request to send another Image block to fill up our buffer
    					ami_state->rqt_alert_bitmap  |= AMI_NORDIC_ALERT_VIBEBT_GET_IMAGE_BLOCK_MASK;
    					// Raise semiphore to trigger message handling
    				 if (secs>60){
                         pos      += len;
                         bytes_rd += len;
    			// RingUnderrun?
    			if (bytes_rd<upload_chunk){
    			  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_RING_UNDERRUN;
    			  update_complete = true;
    // upload_retry:			
    			progress_print(curr_addr-start_addr, last_addr-start_addr);
    			data[upload_chunk] = '\0';
    			zse->constant_state->stop_on_error = true;
    			zcbor_map_start_encode(zse, 20);
    			zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "image");
    			zcbor_int64_put(zse, 0);
    			zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "data");
    			zcbor_bstr_put_lit(zse, data);
    			zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "len");
    			zcbor_uint64_put(zse, (uint64_t)ami_state->dfu.ImageSize.ulong);
    			zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "off");
    			zcbor_uint64_put(zse, curr_addr - start_addr);
    			zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "sha");
    			zcbor_bstr_put_lit(zse, "12345");
    			zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "upgrade");
    			zcbor_bool_put(zse, false);
    			zcbor_map_end_encode(zse, 20);
    			// ZCBOR error?
    			if (!zcbor_check_error(zse)) {
    			  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Failed to encode SMP test packet, err: %d", zcbor_pop_error(zse));
    			  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_UPLOAD_ENCODE;
    			payload_len = (size_t)(zse->payload - smp_cmd.payload);		
    			smp_cmd.header.op = 2; /* write request */
    			smp_cmd.header.flags = 0;
    			smp_cmd.header.len_h8 = (uint8_t)((payload_len >> 8) & 0xFF);
    			smp_cmd.header.len_l8 = (uint8_t)((payload_len >> 0) & 0xFF);
    			smp_cmd.header.group_h8 = 0;
    			smp_cmd.header.group_l8 = 1; /* IMAGE */
    			smp_cmd.header.seq = 0;  = 1; /* UPLOAD */
    			// ZCBOR error?
    			err = bt_dfu_smp_command(&dfu_smp,smp_upload_rsp_proc,sizeof(smp_cmd.header)+payload_len,&smp_cmd); // ?!?
    			if (err){
    			  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"bt_dfu_smp_command failed with %d", err);
    			  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_SEND;
    		} // while
    		if (!ami_state->DFUErr){
    		  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_General|kDbg_Host,"SMP UploadOK");
    } // send_upload2
    static int send_smp_list(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp)
    	static struct smp_buffer smp_cmd;
    //	zcbor_state_t zse[CBOR_ENCODER_STATE_NUM];
    //	size_t payload_len;
    //	payload_len = (size_t)(zse->payload);
    	smp_cmd.header.op = 0; /* read request */
    	smp_cmd.header.flags = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.len_h8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.len_l8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.group_h8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.group_l8 = 1; /* IMAGE */
    	smp_cmd.header.seq = 0;  = 0; /* LIST */
    	return bt_dfu_smp_command(dfu_smp, smp_list_rsp_proc,
    } // send_smp_list
    static int send_smp_reset(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp,const char *string)
    	static struct smp_buffer smp_cmd;
    	zcbor_state_t zse[CBOR_ENCODER_STATE_NUM];
    	size_t payload_len;
    	zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, ARRAY_SIZE(zse), smp_cmd.payload,
    			       sizeof(smp_cmd.payload), 0);
    	/* Stop encoding on the error. */
    	zse->constant_state->stop_on_error = true;
    	zcbor_map_start_encode(zse, CBOR_MAP_MAX_ELEMENT_CNT);
    	zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "d");
    	zcbor_tstr_put_term(zse, string);
    	zcbor_map_end_encode(zse, CBOR_MAP_MAX_ELEMENT_CNT);
    	if (!zcbor_check_error(zse)) {
    		d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Failed to encode SMP reset packet, err: %d", zcbor_pop_error(zse));
    		return -EFAULT;
    	payload_len = (size_t)(zse->payload - smp_cmd.payload);
    	smp_cmd.header.op = 2; /* Write */
    	smp_cmd.header.flags = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.len_h8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.len_l8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.group_h8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.group_l8 = 0; /* OS */
    	smp_cmd.header.seq = 0;  = 5; /* RESET */
    	return bt_dfu_smp_command(dfu_smp, smp_reset_rsp_proc,
    				  sizeof(smp_cmd.header) + payload_len,
    } // send_smp_reset
    static int send_smp_confirm(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp)
    	static struct smp_buffer smp_cmd;
    	zcbor_state_t zse[CBOR_ENCODER_STATE_NUM];
    	size_t payload_len;
    	zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, ARRAY_SIZE(zse), smp_cmd.payload,
    			       sizeof(smp_cmd.payload), 0);
    	/* Stop encoding on the error. */
    	zse->constant_state->stop_on_error = true;
    	zcbor_map_start_encode(zse, CBOR_MAP_MAX_ELEMENT_CNT);
    	zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "hash");
    	zcbor_bstr_put_lit(zse, hash_value_secondary_slot);
    	zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "confirm");
    	zcbor_bool_put(zse, true);
    	zcbor_map_end_encode(zse, CBOR_MAP_MAX_ELEMENT_CNT);
    	if (!zcbor_check_error(zse)) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    	  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Failed to encode SMP confirm packet, err: %d", zcbor_pop_error(zse));
    	  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_CONFIRM_ENCODE;
    	  return -EFAULT;
    	payload_len = (size_t)(zse->payload - smp_cmd.payload);
    	smp_cmd.header.op = 2; /* Write */
    	smp_cmd.header.flags = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.len_h8 = (uint8_t)((payload_len >> 8) & 0xFF);
    	smp_cmd.header.len_l8 = (uint8_t)((payload_len >> 0) & 0xFF);
    	smp_cmd.header.group_h8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.group_l8 = 1; /* app/image */
    	smp_cmd.header.seq = 0;  = 0; /* ECHO */
    	// confirm has same response as list command
    	return bt_dfu_smp_command(dfu_smp, smp_list_rsp_proc,
    				  sizeof(smp_cmd.header) + payload_len,
    } // send_smp_confirm
    static int send_smp_test(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp)
    	static struct smp_buffer smp_cmd;
    	zcbor_state_t zse[CBOR_ENCODER_STATE_NUM];
    	size_t payload_len;
    	zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, ARRAY_SIZE(zse), smp_cmd.payload,
    			       sizeof(smp_cmd.payload), 0);
    	/* Stop encoding on the error. */
    	zse->constant_state->stop_on_error = true;
    	zcbor_map_start_encode(zse, CBOR_MAP_MAX_ELEMENT_CNT);
    	zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "hash");
    	zcbor_bstr_put_lit(zse, hash_value_secondary_slot);
    	zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "confirm");
    	zcbor_bool_put(zse, false);
    	zcbor_map_end_encode(zse, CBOR_MAP_MAX_ELEMENT_CNT);
    	if (!zcbor_check_error(zse)) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    	  d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Failed to encode SMP test packet, err: %d", zcbor_pop_error(zse));
    	  ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_TEST_ENCODE;
    	  return -EFAULT;
    	payload_len = (size_t)(zse->payload - smp_cmd.payload);
    	smp_cmd.header.op = 2; /* Write */
    	smp_cmd.header.flags = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.len_h8 = (uint8_t)((payload_len >> 8) & 0xFF);
    	smp_cmd.header.len_l8 = (uint8_t)((payload_len >> 0) & 0xFF);
    	smp_cmd.header.group_h8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.group_l8 = 1; /* app/image */
    	smp_cmd.header.seq = 0;  = 0; /* ECHO */
    	return bt_dfu_smp_command(dfu_smp, smp_list_rsp_proc,
    				  sizeof(smp_cmd.header) + payload_len,
    } // send_smp_test
    static int send_smp_echo(struct bt_dfu_smp *dfu_smp,
    			 const char *string)
    	static struct smp_buffer smp_cmd;
    	zcbor_state_t zse[CBOR_ENCODER_STATE_NUM];
    	size_t payload_len;
    	zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, ARRAY_SIZE(zse), smp_cmd.payload,
    			       sizeof(smp_cmd.payload), 0);
    	/* Stop encoding on the error. */
    	zse->constant_state->stop_on_error = true;
    	zcbor_map_start_encode(zse, CBOR_MAP_MAX_ELEMENT_CNT);
    	zcbor_tstr_put_lit(zse, "d");
    	zcbor_tstr_put_term(zse, string);
    	zcbor_map_end_encode(zse, CBOR_MAP_MAX_ELEMENT_CNT);
    	if (!zcbor_check_error(zse)) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT
    		d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Failed to encode SMP echo packet, err: %d", zcbor_pop_error(zse));
    		return -EFAULT;
    	payload_len = (size_t)(zse->payload - smp_cmd.payload);
    	smp_cmd.header.op = 2; /* Write */
    	smp_cmd.header.flags = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.len_h8 = (uint8_t)((payload_len >> 8) & 0xFF);
    	smp_cmd.header.len_l8 = (uint8_t)((payload_len >> 0) & 0xFF);
    	smp_cmd.header.group_h8 = 0;
    	smp_cmd.header.group_l8 = 0; /* OS */
    	smp_cmd.header.seq = 0;  = 0; /* ECHO */
    	return bt_dfu_smp_command(dfu_smp, smp_echo_rsp_proc,
    				  sizeof(smp_cmd.header) + payload_len,
    } // send_smp_echo
    int ami_smp_confirm(void)
    	int ret;
    	ret = send_smp_confirm(&dfu_smp);
    	if (ret) {
    		d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Confirm command send error (err: %d)", ret);
    	return ret;
    } // ami_smp_confirm
    int ami_smp_echo(void)
    	static unsigned int echo_cnt;
    	char buffer[32];
    	int ret;
    	d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Echo test: %d", echo_cnt);
    	snprintk(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Echo message: %u", echo_cnt);
    	ret = send_smp_echo(&dfu_smp, buffer);
    	if (ret) {
    		d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Echo command send error (err: %d)", ret);
    	return ret;
    } // ami_smp_echo
    int ami_smp_reset(void)
    	int ret;
    	ret = send_smp_reset(&dfu_smp,"RESET");
    	if (ret) {
    		d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Reset command send error (err: %d)", ret);
    	return ret;
    } // ami_smp_reset
    void submit_work(struct k_work *item)
       int ret = 0;
       switch (which_work){
         case AMI_SMP_WORK_UPLOAD:
         case AMI_SMP_WORK_LIST:
    		  ret = send_smp_list(&dfu_smp);
    		  if (ret) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT		
    		    d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Image list command send error (err: %d)", ret);
                ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_LIST_SEND;	
         case AMI_SMP_WORK_TEST:
    	      ret = send_smp_test(&dfu_smp);
    	      if (ret) {
    #ifdef AMI_SMP_PRINT			
    		    d_printf(LINE_INFO,kDbg_Error|kDbg_Host,"Test command send error (err: %d)", ret);
                ami_state->DFUErr = AMI_SMP_DFU_ERR_TEST_SEND;	
         case AMI_SMP_WORK_RESET:
    		 ret = ami_smp_reset();
         case AMI_SMP_WORK_CONFIRM:
    		 ret = ami_smp_confirm();
       } // switch
    } // submit_work
    int ami_smp_submit_work(uint8_t which)
       which_work = which;	
       switch (which_work){
         case AMI_SMP_WORK_UPLOAD:
         case AMI_SMP_WORK_LIST:
         case AMI_SMP_WORK_TEST:
         case AMI_SMP_WORK_RESET:
         case AMI_SMP_WORK_CONFIRM:
       } // switch
       // Kick watchdog
       return 0;
    } // ami_smp_submit_work
    int  ami_smp_assign_handles(struct bt_gatt_dm *dm)
      // DFU for OTAP support
      bt_dfu_smp_init(&dfu_smp, &init_params);
      // Assign SMP characteristic handles
      int err = bt_dfu_smp_handles_assign(dm, &dfu_smp);
      return err;
    } // ami_smp_assign_handles
    void ami_smp_init(void)
      // DFU for OTAP support
      bt_dfu_smp_init(&dfu_smp, &init_params);
    } // ami_smp_init
    Thank you very much.