PPK2 Power Profiler Bricked?


strange issue today. Instead of opening the Power Profiler App, I opened Bluetooth Low Energy App. Selected the PPK2, and it asked me to flash new firmware. As I did not recognized I was in the wrong App, I clicked yes.

From then on nothing worked anymore.
I read the posts about opening it up, reset using TP34 during startup and then it should find it again through USB. But it didn`t, even though it was blinking.

So I thought I am smart and connected my Segger Jflash and flashed to firmware located here: 
That worked. However, after this, not even the red LED comes on again. Probably this firmware does not contain the bootloader.

So now I am here with an almost new PPK2, bricked. Any idea how I can solve it? Or is it trash now?

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