PPK2 Power Profiler Bricked?


strange issue today. Instead of opening the Power Profiler App, I opened Bluetooth Low Energy App. Selected the PPK2, and it asked me to flash new firmware. As I did not recognized I was in the wrong App, I clicked yes.

From then on nothing worked anymore.
I read the posts about opening it up, reset using TP34 during startup and then it should find it again through USB. But it didn`t, even though it was blinking.

So I thought I am smart and connected my Segger Jflash and flashed to firmware located here: 
That worked. However, after this, not even the red LED comes on again. Probably this firmware does not contain the bootloader.

So now I am here with an almost new PPK2, bricked. Any idea how I can solve it? Or is it trash now?

Parents Reply Children
  • Glad to know it was working. And hopefully it may help others who stumble upon this ticket if they encounter the same issue. 

    That being said, if you didn't have a debugger/programmer, and hence didn't erase the old bootloader, it is possible to put the PPK2 back in DFU mode, so that you could have programmed it once more through the Power Profiler application inside nRF Connect for Desktop. For details on how to do that, check my colleague, Øyvind's reply here.

    Best regards,

