PSM active time not Correct

Good Day

I have enabled power saving on my nrf9160dk and am using NBIOT.  In doing so I found that there was a 60 sec offset to what I selected and what I wanted the active time to be.  IN doing some research I came across this question : 

The device is probably stuck in RRC idle for 60s before entering power saving mode.  This answer was never really solved and wanted to know if anybody found a way around this or if I will have to contact my provider?  If so, what would i need them to changed?

Kind regards,


  • > In doing so I found that there was a 60 sec offset

    How did you found that? Using %XMONITOR ? And which active time did you test?

    If not already done, please test with a active time of 0s "00000000" and use %XMONITOR after registered to the network. If that reports the "00000000" at the active time position, almost everything is right.

    The next question then is more, why your device doesn't enter the sleep mode.

    One idea would be nRF9160-DK - sometimes busy for 1 minute before entering PSM .

    So, is your device in "roaming"? Do you have the 60 sec offset always or just sometime (always => other issue, sometimes, then it may be related to the HPPLMN search.

  • > In doing so I found that there was a 60 sec offset

    How did you found that? Using %XMONITOR ? And which active time did you test?

    If not already done, please test with a active time of 0s "00000000" and use %XMONITOR after registered to the network. If that reports the "00000000" at the active time position, almost everything is right.

    The next question then is more, why your device doesn't enter the sleep mode.

    One idea would be nRF9160-DK - sometimes busy for 1 minute before entering PSM .

    So, is your device in "roaming"? Do you have the 60 sec offset always or just sometime (always => other issue, sometimes, then it may be related to the HPPLMN search.
