PSM active time not Correct

Good Day

I have enabled power saving on my nrf9160dk and am using NBIOT.  In doing so I found that there was a 60 sec offset to what I selected and what I wanted the active time to be.  IN doing some research I came across this question : 

The device is probably stuck in RRC idle for 60s before entering power saving mode.  This answer was never really solved and wanted to know if anybody found a way around this or if I will have to contact my provider?  If so, what would i need them to changed?

Kind regards,


Parents Reply
  • I've begun experimenting with the "AT%%XRAI=3" command to exit RRC idle faster but i'm experiencing some very strange behavior.  I added the command after I publish something using the mqtt_simple sample and the device  goes straight to power saving but then after 30 seconds, exits power saving mode again.  60s after it exits power saving mode, it enters power saving mode mode again.  This makes me think that I used the RAI command at the wrong place.  The goal is to publish something every ten minutes.  Any help would be appreciated thank you !
