How to Send messages from nrf mesh app to nrf52840?

Hi All:

Now we are delveloping BLE Mesh using nrf52840 sdk( v5.0.0) and use light_switch example.

It is important for us to send 10 bytes of  message from nrf mesh app to nrf52840 device.

In the Android-nRF-Mesh library, it has a feature to send messages to vendor models.

After successful provision and set the publications and subscriptions,the Mesh APP can control the light state (on/off) of nrf52840. 

We also can transmit 10 bytes of data from light_switch client to server by using the command of "access_model_publish(access.c)" as below.
      status = access_model_publish(p_client->model_handle, &p_client->access_message.message);

We hope the mesh APP can send segmented messages to the nrf52840 device.

How to set vendor models in nrf52840 and send n(n=10) bytes of segmented messages from nrf mesh app to nrf52840 device? 

Below is the android sdk for nRF Mesh.  

Is there a sample code for reference? How can do step by step?

Best Regards,


Parents Reply
  • We only have what is already present in the samples. I think the "easiest" way would be to look into the chat sample, look at what OP codes that you need to use, and then test it from the phone app like I described in the previous reply. However, it is not very convenient to have to write these hexadecimal OP codes every time, so you probably need to develop a custom application at some point.


