nRF5340 Debug Probe to Nordic Thingy:53 - nRF Connect, nRF Programmer Error: Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device.

I am using Nordic Thingy:53 to build a Matter application using Matter Ecosystem. 

Flashing applications via Bluetooth on nRF Programmer mobile application works great.

But flashing via VS Code or via the nRF Programmer in nRF Connect on PC does not work as describe in this at "Updating through external debug probe"

nRF5340-DK is connected with Data Usb-cable and has also been tested and is working fine. Programs have been flashed on the DK successfully and is working

JLink_V7.66a is installed as required by nRF Programmer and Nordic Thingy:53 is connected via the 2x5 Debug Out connector on the DK as shown in the picture in "Updating through external debug probe" section at the link above. 

In nRF Programmer the device shows up as J-Link 001050072180 in the dropdown bar as shown in the image below.

But when connecting to this device (which should be the Thingy:32 through the Debug Probe I recon) I get this error 

Using nrf-device-lib-js version: 0.5.0
Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.13.11
Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.18.2
Using JLink version: JLink_V7.66a
Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device.
I therefor cannot read, write or do anything with the Thingy:32 in the nRF Programmer. And in VS Code I get a similar error when trying to build the application similarly using the same Debug Probe connection and the method describe in 
The error have been shown on two different Operating Systems using the same setup. Both on Windows 11 64 Bit and on Macbook Pro using macOS Ventura
   nRF Connect SDK v2.2.99-dev3
   nRF Connect for Desktop v4.0.0
   nRF Programmer official, v3.0.7
   J-Flash V7.66a
   Nordic Thingy:53
   Nordic nRF5340-DK
   Usb Cable with Data on nRF USB outage on nRF5340 and Usb Cable without Data for the External Supply outage on nRF5340
  Operating System: Windows 11 64Bit and macOS Ventura
Tried Solutions:
   Downgrading nRF Connect to earlier versions as describe in previous similiar thread, here  Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device. 
   Used a different Nordic DK card
   Updated nRF Command Line Tools to latest version
   Tested software individually on both Thingy:32 and nRF5340-DK to ensure that they both work separately. 
   Searched around on similar errors and other similar issue's solutions did not work.
   Comments on this Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device. Seems to have the same issue but not received help for over a year, it seems
  • Hi,

    As long as both the DK and Thingy are powered and you have the 10 pin cable connected between the debug out port in the upper left corner on the DK and the Thingy, this should work out of the box. Can you double check your HW setup, for instance that you have not plugged the cable on the DK in the Debug in port by a mistake?

    As the next test, can you check with nrfjprog that you read different numbers with this command when the cable is connected (where it should read the DEVICEID from the Thingy and when the cable is disconnected (where it should be the DEVICEID from the DK)?

    nrfjprog --memrd 0x00FF0204 --n 8

    If you read different values, then that means that you are able to debug the Thingy, and we should look more at nRF Connect Programmer. If the values are different or you get an error, then for some reason you are not able to debug via the Debug out port. If the latter is the case, then the first thing I would do is to try another 10 pin cable. They can be quite fragile, and there can easily be a bad connection there even if the cable looks OK.

  • Hey!

    Thanks for replying in so short notice

    Yes the 10-pin cable is definitely connected to the Debug Out port in the upper left corner. Not in the Debug In port.

    As with the command, this is the error I get when I run "nrfjprog --memrd 0x00FF0204 --n 8". Also this is the exact same error as when I try to flash firmware on the Thingy with the cable using nRF Connect in VS Code

    So no, I dont seem to be able to read any values. It just seems to fail and says that it is unable to connect to the debugger

  • Hi,

    Droteer said:
    As with the command, this is the error I get when I run "nrfjprog --memrd 0x00FF0204 --n 8". Also this is the exact same error as when I try to flash firmware on the Thingy with the cable using nRF Connect in VS Code

    I see. then there is a more fundamental issue with debugger setup. Do you get this error only when the cable is plugged in (when trying to debug the Thingy, or also without the cable plugged in)?

    Assuming you only get it with the cable plugged in, can you test with another cable?

    And can you show a photo of your DK and thingy (a clear picure showing all switch and micro switch positions)?

    Lastly, can you run the nrfjprog command from my previous post with the "--log" option when connected to the Thingy, and upload the log.log file here?

  • Hi,

    If I run the same command without the cable plugged in, I get this message

    Here is a photo of the setup I am using, hope it is sufficient

    Unfortunately, I don't have any additional 10-pin cable currently. I need to order one to get another one, and that will take another 5-6 days to get.

    Here is the log.log file that got generated when I used --log at the end of the command


    What would the next best course of action be, do you think?

  • Hi,

    I get the same with your HW configuration. Please try with the nRF POWER SOURCE switch set to VDD (middle position). Then you can also remove the nRF USB cable (on the upper right of the board), but that is not needed.
