I'm exploring the hid peripheral example with 52832 Dev Kit and made it working correctly. While, when I was tring to connect to it with nRFConnect, I found that the...
I have a PCB with an nRf51822 @1.8V, using the SDK 10 (no chance to change it).
The PCB itself with everything but the nRF (we did not iron it on purpose to measure consumption...
I have downloaded the motion_driver_6.12 for Nordic Thingy 52 as given in the readme.txt file. And I am using Segger Embedded Studio to build and debug the code. But the IDE...
I'm working on a project originally based on the light switch example of SDK 1.0.0 and then upgraded to Mesh_SDK 2.0.1 and nRF5_SDK_15.0.0
I use the code shown in...
I am looking for a freelance / contract developer to help us get nRF53840 working as a BLE controller under linux. ie: basic BT linux adapter. Integrated with BlueZ and similar...
Dear all,
I use FDS module to store some data in flash of nRF52832. I modified the example "ble_app_uart" based nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96 to test the fds functions feature...
I am testing 9 channels for PER (1,2,3,21,22,23,37,38,39). During testing the last 3 channels I always get a single time out error in response to LE_TEST_END. I...
I am having quite a frustrating time trying to make SPI drivers compile into a 52811 project I already started, so I thought I'd back off, and try to just get an SPI example...
Tried to flash ncp .hex for pca10059 on a brand new dongle and now it is stuck in dfu (pulsing red led). The process worked on a second dongle without any issues.
Running nrfconnect320x8664.AppImage on Linux (SuSE Leap 15.1). Read "Getting Started" but that was of little help!
So, following my nose.. On the Apps tab of application...
I am trying to generate a 125kHz pwm siginal using nrf51802(sdk version12.3). I use the oscilloscope to observe the wave form.I change the macro value of PERIOD_IN_US...
I am developing an app for PCA10059 board. my app works well but after sometime and saving some data on flash, boards keep resetting and did not booted(LD1 blinking...
Does anyone have experience in porting both embedded and android code from the 13.1.0 SDK to 15.x.x?
I'm running into an issue where the system worked fine on 13.1.0,...
I am actually tring to migrate a project from Keil to Segger Embedded Studio (SES) and i have a problem with the build of my project when tring to build ecc.c.
I have to nrf52832 , s132 modules working as peripheral and central.
I would like to get an idea and input on how to change central mode to peripheral mode.
Hello everyone,
I am having some trouble starting the HFXO crystal manually before using the RADIO to send raw advertisements: the HFCLKSTARTED event never raises. The code...
I am relatively new to this software and I am using this for a project which involves device-device and user-device communication.I came across the ble relay example...
I have a question about "SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM V4.12".
When "Build Solution" is executed, "Build failed" is displayed and an error occurs. However, if you do "Bulid...