While testing the device firmware update through the nRFtoolbox android application, i get "device has no required service" error more frequently.
I use latest version...
I'm having some trouble successfully entering ON,IDLE mode. I have pared-down my application to do the following:
Initializes the app_timer using the scheduler:
I want to control GPIO toggle by PPI. Timer1 is in timer mode. CC[0] is 1000, and CC[1] is 8000.
I use compare[0] to toggle gpio18 by PPI. I also want to use compare[1] to...
I use two evk board to connected and test the uart serialization sample(ble_s110_serialization), one is ble_app_hrs and one is ble_app_connectivity. But I have one...
I am getting get BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_REQUEST and BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE event, when writing to ble device, sample code did not handle these event, and seems no document...
Why do I erase SDK5.2 version of flash and read not, in SDK4.2 can. I tested nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\flashwrite_example is a good example.However...
Hello. I'm trying to understand twi_sensor sample code on nRF51. (nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e\examples\peripheral\twi_sensor)
I have a trouble finding where the function twi_handler...
i've bought the nrf52832 Preview DK some time ago, are there any big changes to the new DK? So if i buy a new nrf52832 IC i can desolder the old IC and use the new...
If I have some value and this value has become out of desired range I want to change property from indicate to notify.
I only found function sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add...
I'm developing an application for a device which needs to support both DFU and some method of restricting connections to a single central (ie: bonding). This is a challenge...
Is there have any tutorial for how to create GATT service on the MCP(master control panel app) and what coding do we need to add to the project?
Hi, I would like to put a nrf51822 device into system off mode and wake it up with a GPIO transition from high to low.
I would like to measure the press time of the button...
I'm using JLinkExe ( J link commander ) for Linux to flash the application firmware on NRF51822_QF_AA target. The following have worked so far, but I'd like to confirm and...
I am upgrading to SDK 11.0.0 and S130 v2.0.0 from SDK 9.0.0 and S130 1.0.0 and I am stuck with an error when I call sd_ble_gap_adv_start. Here's the code that now fails...
I have the following two lines with pin 21 not connected to anything:
nrf_gpio_cfg_input(21, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP);
uint32_t value = nrf_gpio_pin_read(21);
I would...
I'm trying to flash my SeeedStudio Tiny BLE board (nRF51822 QFAA) with SoftDevice S110 using Keil but it doesn't look like it's going to let me. I'm just getting...
i am having some trouble getting my nRF52 DK (S132) to read a value provided by the nRF51 dongle(S130).
First of all, i am very new to this whole Bluetooth thing so...
I'm trying to read 16 bit ADC Value on nRF Master app instead of only 8 bit, and I know that there is the example code on github which is only send me the 8 bit...