I thought this should be very simple but it has not turned out that way. I have started with the pc-ble-driver heart rate monitor (peripheral) example. I was able to take...
I building a gas meter monitor ( peripheral ) that transmit meter reading to the Central.
The gas meter will be sending to the Central it's ID and meter value ( uint64_t...
The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks will host also this year a dependability competition to benchmark the performance of state-of-the-art...
I find the CSCS example program reading zero at low cadence levels below around 50 rpm.
Using ble_peripheral example ble_app_cscs loaded into the PCA10040 board or...
I had manged to deploy and configure mesh networks on Nordic Thingy devices based on these 2 examples separately. 1. Generic OnOff models https://github.com/NordicPlayground...
I am unable to access my SRJ profile with email id [email protected] due to two factor authentication. i do not get anything in the google authentication app...
My scenario is I have an android device and 100+ advertising nrf52 devices. Is it possible android to receive/scan advertising packets (small) from 100+ devices which mean...
error occurs in nrf_delay.c of nrf52832
Because there are ASM in nrf_delay.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include "compiler_abstraction.h"
#include "nrf.h"
I cannot find an example in the current SDK on how to use APP_UART. I do not want to use app_uart_fifo because it has quite some overhead that I do not need. All...
I am using nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197 to test esb maximum throughput.
in the macro definition of NRF_ESB_CREATE_PAYLOAD,
#define NRF_ESB_CREATE_PAYLOAD(_pipe, ...)
On the nRF51, there are 5 OVERRIDE registers (0-4) in the radio module.
What do those registers do and when should they be used? The FRM was not clear about them.
From what I can see the scenario where you have a serialized app running from a separate CPU and how to do firmware update on that is not discussed anywhere on the Nordic...
I am using s130-nrf51822xxa. I tried GPIOTE example and it works fine. I tried ble_uart example and it works.When I try to combine both of them...
As of API level 21 BluetoothGatt#requestMtu can be used to go beyond the limit of 23 bytes GATT_MTU_SIZE_DEFAULT. Will the SDK support such enhancements one day?
In BLE notification i am getting 31 byte data but it comes in two packets 20 byte + 11 bytes continually.How do i get last 11 byte data which comes in 2nd packets after 2s...
i want to test the Server feature of the Master Control Panel 3.10.0 together with a nrf51 Dongle. By pressing start under File->Server setup the server starts, but...
Hi I have problem with LFCLK timer. In os_tick_init() in RTX_Conf_CM.c there is a loop and it won't end.
Do nothing.
I have a code that continuously toggles a pin(I use nrf_drv of gpiote+ppi+timer2 for this purpose and interrupt time = 30usec). I have basically taken the...
I know the things like the TWI allow you to send additional data when you instantiate a transacation. Is there any way to do a similar thing with UART?
I'd like to pass...