Hi all,
I am making a device which involves using nfr52832(PCA10040) to communicate with a NAND flash through spi to store data acquired from the ADC. After all the data...
How to enable semihosting in sdk11 examples?
This works, but I can't port it to examples/periferal/template_project :(
I want to store temperature samples in flash of nrf51822. I am using pca10028 and sdk 12.2.0.
I have the code for writing,deleting and reading from flash memory....
I have a question about stack usage. I use nRF51822 SoC, 12.2 SDK & IAR 7.60.1. I am interested in stack usage. Have you done any estimations? Or may be you have...
Hello, I get the
"ERROR: The --family option given with the command (or the default from nrfjprog. ini)
ERROR: does not match the device connected."
message after...
Good morning,
this is Algocraft (www.algocraft.com), an high tech company whose core business is to develop, design and market a wide range of professional systems dedicated...
I am attempting to use sscanf() on nRF51822. However the chip simply freezes when reaching that part of the code. Do I need to add anything in the toolchain to make it work...
I'm using nrf51, I noticed that when I disable some functions calling (in the file flash_memory_management.c ), the behavior or the function in the file ( fatigue.c ) is correct...
Hello ,
Easy question, I am using the nRF52832 and am trying to find out if all gpio pins have gpiote functionality? And if so can all gpios be configured as an external...
this is my timers_init(); func
static void timers_init(void)
uint32_t err_code;
// Initialize timer module.
I am writing an App for the Central/Master side using the s130 v1.0.0 SD. I am connecting to the soft device using the python wrappers for the nRF51-BLE-Driver-Win 0.5.0....
I want to write a program in Keil by SPP for communicating with a thermal printer that uses SPP
but I can't find source code about that.
Is this possible to do this with...
i have nrf52 PAC10036 dev Board.
i am using the visualgdb.
when i try to create the instance of the TWI.
i got the error
please check image for detail.
How i can...
I want to turn off BLE-peripheral Advertising for 8 hours but I want to use another timer with period of 50ms to scan GPIO ,
when I change prescale of
is there a good documenation or introduction about the Programmable Peripheral Interconnect Feature? I read the short part in the Objective Product Specification...
Hi everyone,
I need to use an nRF51822 (MBH7BLZ07-109033) mounted on a custom board.
I want to develop my firmware application on the custom board in such a way I can...
I am using nrf51822 doing projects. I met an issuse which is that at the first 6 minutes, it can normaly go into UART interrupt and run subroutine successfully....
I'm testing out TWI on pins 24/25 and I get a crash when I attempt to do a TWI transfer and I find myself in: WDT_IRQHandler ()
I'm using much of the example code:
Hello, I have a few nRF devices, and I am unsure as to which revision the ICs are. Here are the three HWIDs:
0x0086, and
I tried looking into the nRF51_Series_Compatibility_Matrix_v2...
I need to sample 2 inputs at 200Hz and send it on an app. Can I send the data at this speed using UART service? I was trying to do it using HRM example but could not...
Hi, I am trying to compile the code
I need to include the header file uart_confg.h, can someone tell me where I can find it in the sdk 10 component...