VPN Solutions are a guaranteed private network association constructed on top of infrastructure that is publicly available. vpn connection free Providers provide an alternative...
I am writing an iOS code using Swift3 to connect an iOS10 device to nRF52 pca10040 and blink an LED. The nRFConnect on iOS can easily connect using the device name...
void in_pin_handler (nrf_drv_gpiote_pin_t pin, nrf_gpiote_polarity_t action)
This function work with interupt event (push...
here I have a very strange problem. I m trying to send the data(1 byte) from slave to master,and I have to use the multilink demo because I will have 2 slave devices.
I'd like to erase all the pages managed by FDS as part of a "Hard Reset" operation. fds.c has a hint of a "FRESH_INSTALL" directive (part of an enum defined in fds_internal_defs...
SDK v10
SD S110 v8
My pj is about ANCS+nus+hid mouse sevices.
If my borad had bonded with an iPhone,then download new hex from mdk ,and run.
I would like to develop FW for the nRF52832, using Eclipse IDE + ARM GCC + Segger JLink OB.
I've seen on the segger webpage that the nRF52832 is a Cortex M4 processor...
I'm using nrfgo to program nrf24LE1, and want to use commandline programming. I've tried to find an overview of the commands with no luck. Where can I find it? I've tried...
Hi all
The release notes of the S130 V2.0.0 states that an updated SoftDevice Specification can be found at the infocenter. But there is only the specification of S130...
There are 31 io pins on nRF51822.
I use 8 io pins for our product. But I don't use the other pins.
All of io pins have the same default value after reset as follows. ...
Hi Guys
I have a noob question about the mesh network for nRF52832.
For devices to be inside a mesh network, does it mean that they need to do some kind of parring or...
I want to use pstorage with ble uart to store the data over bluetooth to flash . I did the coding for the pstorage operations. But the problem is that the pstorage store,...
I use a nrf51822 with the sdk 10.0.0 and s110 8.0.0. The nrf51822 have a peripheral role. The Connection interval min is set to 500ms, the Connection interval max to 1s, the...
My custom board, it connected with App, App sends a command to the board and the board keeps the command in the flash, but when i call the "pstorage_update", it will cause...
I want to use the FICR data on the nRF51 to figure out the RAM size. I found a problem and was wondering if this is a known issue, and if it's been fixed in newer revisions...
Hi Guys
I have a project where we are using nRF52832 chip. We need to make an app that can scan for beacons and give us "angle direction" to the nearest beacon.
Hello, everyone. I used to use TWI with BLE in SDK 6.1.0 to operate ext sensor. Now I want to update my program in SDK 10.0.0. But there are too many differerance between...
I'm using the Insight ISP 130301C module and I'm trying to double check the nRF it contains as a firm basis for trying to get DFU working on it.
The module has printed...
I have followed all the instructions required for performing the build and debugging, but still unable to do step wise debugging. Please find the log for the output console...
hi, i am going to make a simple timer with SDK 6.0.0, nrf51822 and softdevice.
first, i use ble_app_uart example as a base code, because i need to BLE communication with...