I have a device based on nRF51822 revision 2 and SoftDevice S110 v7.1.0. Because it is revision 2 it is affected by PAN44 and PAN45, and by default the SoftDevice...
Hi Guys,
I know this is more for software issues. But I was curious as to where I can find trusted case providers/makers for the nrf51822 Beacon. Can anyone from the community...
Has anyone converted the Adafruit graphics library for Arduino, Adafruit_GFX.h, to be compatible with the nRF51?
Could you please advise on how to convert this Arduino...
Hi all,
I have a few questions:
How is that ADC's common mode rejection capabilities? Rejection for 60 Hz interference, etc...
The datasheet has "typical...
Hi all !
I'm trying to evaluate the throughput i can have between a Motorola 4G and the nrf51. The nRF51 is the peripheral and the phone is acting as a central.
To do...
I have a digital microphone chip, it has the CLK, DATA, LR_SEL three pins, now I will pick up the three pin nrf5283 three pin is as follows: CLK connectionI2S_CONFIG_SCK_PIN...
I have attempted to migrate over a couple of nRF52 projects built around device manager to the new peer manager in SDK 11 that are built with eclipse and GCC. However, I am...
I have seen I can use the nRF8001 to broadcast as a beacon, can a second nRF8001 pick up this beacon? If not, what is the smallest device that will do the job?
Hi!I'm having some problems in adding a new library to my project (sdk 11.0.0,s130), I want to add ble_nus.h. I follow this instructions " devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../" but...
I want to implement static passkey based bonding, using the nrf51822 on both sides[Central is not a Mobile phone].My sw for peripheral side is working with a mobile device...
I have this following picture on keil when i am doing the first TUTORIAL (in tutorial party), the example works but i don't understand why keil display this (red cross...
For a university project I'm looking to create a small Bluetooth based sensor network. For this I was hoping to get your recommended products to work with. I suspect...
Can anybody please tell that what are the specs for BLE l2cap layer? In BLE 4.2 core specification it describes l2cap for BR/EDR/LE but i am not able to understand that which...
Hello Nordic Community,
I need to know how to import my PCB design from Eagle to CST Studio to simulate it and I need to know if the simulation step will be useful to enhance...
Hi all, i am experimenting on the example "ble_app_beacon" on my smart beacon kit, but i have two questions about it (though they are pretty general):
When a connection...
Hi Experts,
I use TIMER_1 and PPI to driver a 'H' style bridge for our motor. Unexpected system reset will happen if I trigger the 'H' bridge PWM with ble connected. It...
I run the code of the radio_test example in a VisualGDB project. When I start it with a debugger connected, VisualGDB informs me that a ARM semihosting system call...