nrf51822 SDK 9.0
iphone 6plus System version IOS9.2
When the phone receives the QQ message "static void notif_print(ble_ancs_c_evt_notif_t * p_notif);" can execute.
Hi..... This is Venkatesh. I am using nRF52-DK Evaluation kit. This is my first question posting here. It is pleasure to have an account to share my knowledge and get the...
Please look at the attachment of my code. Go to \nRF51_SDK_9.0.0_2e23562\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_template\pca10028\s130\arm5_no_packs...
I am in need of the usb-to-uart.hex firmware and the driver for it. This is required to test the radio dongle nRF24LU1+ device (32k) whether it can be programmed through USB...
I've been unsuccessfully trying to serialize BTLE example programs by SPI. I have two PCA10028 boards and I'm using SDK10. In addition to serialization examples, I've tried...
Connection between linux router and NRf51 devices worked before I've updated kernel version from 4.09 to 4.3.
Now, with the same configuration and hardware, I'm not...
We have 2 different hardware designs which utilize the same peripheral connected to the nRF52833 via serial UART. They both use the same interrupt driven code to access the...
I am using VSCode and the latest nRF Nordic extension. I have the toolchain and SDK 2.9.1 installed.
I created a new application for the nRF54L15 for bluetooth peripheral...
I would like to ask about the future plans for Zigbee development, as the current situation is a bit confusing.
From what I’ve observed, Zigbee R22 has been deprecated...
I have the nRF Hw v2, and it seems like I did something wrong with a Fw:
nRF is recognizable by a computer as the COM10/11/12 device:
Most of the nRF Connect Desktop...
This should be a quick question. I really am just wondering if any part of the nRF Connect BLE library or examples use the UICR space?
The library is more the question,...
Hello when I build an application on VS Code, the terminal give this error :
warning: UPDATEABLE_IMAGE_NUMBER (defined at C:/ncs/v2.8.0/nrf\samples\common\mcumgr_bt_ota_dfu...
Hi there!
I'm in the process of updating our codebase from 2.4.0 to 2.6.4. We are using the nRF52840. My plan is to do this step-wise, following the migration guides for...
The subject issue is documented here as " NCSDK-20567: Partitioning limitation with MCUboot swap move": This issue has been open for while. These two DevZone tickets refer...
Performing a DFU with an iPhone works in some configurations and fails in other. Android consistently works.
The failing version of iOS is:
iPhone 12 mini
iPhone 13...
Power failure while flashing an nRF52840 based platform (flashed through nRF52840DK) left the unit not accessible.
Any attempt to flash it, erase it or recover...
For "BLE Central" sample:
I get the same problem when I want to get the BLE devices' name
the "BLE Central" can only get 31-Bytes adv data in "device_found()" callback...
Currently I use a custom linker section for my code.
.my_code_section : { PROVIDE(__my_code_section_start = .); KEEP(*(.my_code_section)) PROVIDE(__my_code_section_end...
I noticed an issue with CONFIG_NET_L2_OPENTHREAD=y in my project, and I prepared a newer, simpler project to investigate in the issue.
The new program simply sets...
Hello, I'm building the sample Measure battery voltage on a custom board, and I have an error voltage: setup: -134 at runtime. The overlay file is configure as explained in...