nrf51822 SDK 9.0
iphone 6plus System version IOS9.2
When the phone receives the QQ message "static void notif_print(ble_ancs_c_evt_notif_t * p_notif);" can execute.
Hi..... This is Venkatesh. I am using nRF52-DK Evaluation kit. This is my first question posting here. It is pleasure to have an account to share my knowledge and get the...
Please look at the attachment of my code. Go to \nRF51_SDK_9.0.0_2e23562\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_template\pca10028\s130\arm5_no_packs...
I am in need of the usb-to-uart.hex firmware and the driver for it. This is required to test the radio dongle nRF24LU1+ device (32k) whether it can be programmed through USB...
I've been unsuccessfully trying to serialize BTLE example programs by SPI. I have two PCA10028 boards and I'm using SDK10. In addition to serialization examples, I've tried...
Connection between linux router and NRf51 devices worked before I've updated kernel version from 4.09 to 4.3.
Now, with the same configuration and hardware, I'm not...
how is the new nrf_drv_twi supposed to be used for reading registers?
The sequence for that is pretty much industry standard:
> Device address
< Ack
> 0x00 (register...
I'm running the ble_hrs example provided on my nRF52 board. The thing is, I'm unable search my device using both nRF Master Control Panel and normal Bluetooth connection from...
I am using a central S130 softdevice in an nRF51822. I connect to a peripheral using sd_ble_gap_connect(&m_peripheral_address, &m_scan_param, &m_connection_param) . If it...
I am trying to provide a custom peripheral service with a 128-bit UUID in an nRF51822. I would like to use two bytes of the UUID to encode a piece of information unique to...
am I right to assume that if sd_ble_gattc_write returns anything other than SUCCESS, then the packet was not queued?
Is this also true for BLE_GATTC_EVT_WRITE_RSP...
Hey guys,
I have a little problem on a new board comunicating with a MPU9250 sensor.
Chip version is nrf52832-QFAA-BA
GPIO PINS Used P0.20 (SDA) and P0.21 (SCL)...
The S332 v0.6 has been released and it is supposed to be compatible with SDK11. My concern is that in the release notes of SDK 11, it says "Temporarily removed support for...
I tried the above example but it hangs here:
while (ser_sd_transport_is_busy());
Not sure why, I'm using GDB to step thru code, and it appears always busy...
Is there...
Device: NRF51-DK
I'm using GDB+OpenOCD to step thru code and it appears that the nrf51 resets itself after calling:
SVCALL(SD_BLE_GAP_ADV_START, uint32_t, sd_ble_gap_adv_start...
I want to make rs485 communication with nRF51822. I gone through the UART code, there CTS , RTS pin are required , but for my case tx, rx,rx enable is enough, and also shall...
Hi everybody!!!
I am making a project which use NUS service and I have confuses in connection mode:
when the central and peripheral do not have data to transfer...
Hello, my question is pretty clear i guess. Is it possible to schedule advertising of 2 different packets on the same chip ?
The way i see it, it should be possible to...