i'm working with my own board with the SD V6.0 and nrf51822 chip id QFAAG0. Already works fine.
Now i switch to the new SD V8.0. The SD V8.0 is programming with...
Hi everyone,
I'm working on the nrf51822 chip and using S110 stack of SDK 6.1. Everything is fine for IPhone5s. The proximity example is running on the nrf51822 device...
I have used your example of a bootloader nAN_18. I can create a basic program, with new firmware, and also load my new bootloader program at the high end of memory.
I'm developing some projects with the nRF51822 chip and I am not able to debug them successfully any more. However, I have previously debugged correctly some projects...
We've been seeing an intermittent connectivity issue in Yosemite in discovering BLE services, namely scanForPeripheralsWithServices does not return anything. The same...
Hi there is a problem in github.com/.../nrf51-UART-examples
any one can help?
I put empty loop in main, and comment off all ble related int. and I process uart_evt by...
When i use the nrf_drv_adc with NRF_ADC_DEFAULT_CONFIG i get the following compile errors:
rf_drv_adc.h:127:27: error: 'ADC_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY' undeclared here (not in...
I am developing a real-time system which triggers an interrupt every few milliseconds. That data is collected in the interrupt. When a memory buffer is full, the data is then...
i am trying to start a RTC0 on nrf52 DK with SoftDevice (s132) enabled with project based on "ble_app_template". The problem is that a sd_softdevice_enable() (called...
I am using the NRF52 Development board, on Keil uVision, to implement a C program that uses Dynamic Structs. The Structs re-size themselves ( by increasing their capacity...
I have setup a development environment using Eclipse and GCC. This setup works nicely. Thanks!
I noticed different examples in...
We are currently designing the hardware for a production run of our product using the nrf52832 chip and would still like to have debugging capabilities with breakpoints...
I have been learning GCC+ Make work flow to build and debug nRF51822 S110-only applications based on the examples from NRF51 SDK v10.0.0. I started with ble_app_beacon example...
I tried to work application.
But firmware stops at advertising_init(). When I exchange advertising_init() and services_init(), firmware does not stop.
why ?
S110 v8.0...
My device is nRF51822 SD110 8.0.0.
The problem occured after firmware update in bootloader (own, not SDK) with readback protection enabled.
So bootloader connects...
I am currently finishing my deploy script and I am currently using nrfjprog to write some custom UICR data. I have a contiguous region of memory to write but I do...
Dear Nordic team,
Beside other persistent issues with your proprietary DTM command for setting Tx Power (see here and here ) I've found that default Tx Power in ble_dtm...
How do I add multiple devices to a whitelist (as the central, adding peripherals), then use the white list for multiple connections? I have read both
I have nrf51822 QFACA1 and STM32f407VG. I'm programming nrf51822 QFACA1 using STM32f407VG SWD pings. And now I want programming BLE nrf51822 QFACA1 but I can't find any working...
I bought MOD-nRF8001 BLE Module for prototyping. I gave 3.3v Supply to modules's 3.3V pin & GND to GND pin. But, I cant figure out weather mODULE IS ON OR OFF. Its unrecoverable...
In our industrial product we are using nrf24l01+ on PCB which will be going to fully coat with epoxy material while manufacturing. My question is that , whether this...