I've built a small BLE-device based on the nrf8001.
With my Iphone I can discover this device and I am able to connect to it and listen to notifications of the...
Our pcb is used for gps location data. We have a nrf24L01 nordic chip as the micro process or between the gps module and wireless module (2G). Our engineer needs to capture...
Hey folks,
I'm trying to modify the SPI Master loop back example into a 4 line SPI Master_Slave program. Whenever I change the Tx_Buffer_lenght from 10 to lsome other numbers...
I am using S130 softdevice version.
Basically, I am using NUS Service and make a my own NUS central service as NUS_C.
It is correctly work at normal state.
Hi All,
Please Reviwe for a attached circuit file(Chip ANT of nRF51822.pdf).
I also attach a datasheet of chip antenna applied for that circuit(SDBTPTR3015 Data Sheet...
to me it made sense that EN_AA settings are controlling the receiving pipes if an ACK has to be sent back upon receiving a valid packet.
then i thought that the settings...
I am using BLE_Gateway example defined in nRF51-ble-bcast-mesh to create an rbc_mesh over 2 nRF51422 devices . For now, I am just testing it out on 2 nRF51422; I will set...
I want to upload firmware from my desktop computer using some dongle. Is there any windows compatible nrftoolbox software? I am using the nrf51822 qfaag0 chip with softdevice...
In the function log_rtt_init(), the SEGGER_RTT_ConfigUpBuffer()/SEGGER_RTT_ConfigDownBuffer() can't config the customize buffer if the parameter buffer index equal to 0 (...
Hi all, i have loaded the example on my smart beacon kit (nrf51822 chip with softdevice s110), and it runs without problems. But in this example, the "normal mode" of the...
Looking at the documentation here (for SDK 11, s130)...
I see two conflicting statements
These APIs require that the...
The examples of whitelisting that I am looking at (ble_app_proximity, ble_app_hrs_c) both create their whitelists just before a scan. I am wondering if this is actually the...
I'm trying to get Apple notifications to nrf52. And specifically to listen both regular ANS (for android) and ANCS (for iOS) events depending what sort of phone is...
I want to use more than 8 devices with gazelle protocol, so is there any way to expand the pipe number or change the pipe addresses in runtime ? Host device will know...
Hello, I have a problem NRF905. Sending distance is 0-30 cm maximum.
I want to ask if the defective product or it may be due code?
TX RX uses the base code of the library...
Hi Team,
In current application, each BLE node (nRF51x22) need to switch between Broadcaster and observer roles . Beacon kind of behavior is required i.e. no connection...
Hi All,
Please, I have some questions about the use of iPhone wireless shutter release button:
Q1: Is it possible to connect to an iPhone wireless shutter release button...
Open the nRFgo Studio and connect PCA10028 (NRF 51DK Board) then Erase all data
Open the uVision V5.18a
Open the DTM project file of the example in the following...
Refer to the NRF 51DK Spec page, It can be support Bluetooth 4.2 spec.
In the Bluetooth 4.2 spec, The device can support the maximum PDU size of 255 bytes
Where can I...
Hi Everyone,
I face a problem regarding uploading Application Hex file, I use nRF Toolbox v 1.15.0 mobile app to upload the firmware, Bootloader is successfully uploaded...