Our pcb is used for gps location data. We have a nrf24L01 nordic chip as the micro process or between the gps module and wireless module (2G). Our engineer needs to capture...
Hey folks,
I'm trying to modify the SPI Master loop back example into a 4 line SPI Master_Slave program. Whenever I change the Tx_Buffer_lenght from 10 to lsome other numbers...
I am using S130 softdevice version.
Basically, I am using NUS Service and make a my own NUS central service as NUS_C.
It is correctly work at normal state.
Hi All,
Please Reviwe for a attached circuit file(Chip ANT of nRF51822.pdf).
I also attach a datasheet of chip antenna applied for that circuit(SDBTPTR3015 Data Sheet...
to me it made sense that EN_AA settings are controlling the receiving pipes if an ACK has to be sent back upon receiving a valid packet.
then i thought that the settings...
I am using BLE_Gateway example defined in nRF51-ble-bcast-mesh to create an rbc_mesh over 2 nRF51422 devices . For now, I am just testing it out on 2 nRF51422; I will set...
I see when you import an example from the pack installer ( for example pwm, ble, timer examples ) it arrives with the misc controls --c99 on by default , so I cannot...
I am using the nrfjprog.dll to program my UUT (nrf51822) during our production PCBA test. Apparently this is a bad idea to use this dll since you sometimes change the...
I found a possible bug in device manager in SDK 8.1.0 for S120. If you set for example DEVICE_MANAGER_MAX_BONDS 2 and try to bond another device, you get "No free connection...
im using one of SDK Example and it stuck in this line of code
// Initialize SoftDevice.
in this...
I have a UUID in which bytes 12 and 13 are not 0. For example, I have something like this
*addr = 87000d1f-1234-5678-9abc-123456789abc
When I use sd_ble_uuid_vs_add(&addr...
Please consider the images bellow, which can also be found here and here . The images represent the structure of a BLE packet, and the units used are bytes. The question...
Hi there,
I have tested out the BLE-NUS SDK firmware on the NRF51422 SDK Board, and it responded well. When I ported the exact same code over to my custom board, I received...
I noticed that I can't bond successfully with my device using iOs 9.1 with Nrf Master control panel iOs app. When I insert the PINCODE, the device immediatly disconnects...
So I just received my nRF51 dk. When I plug it into the USB port, the device starts to blink but is not showing up as standard USB drive? Any suggestions?
what general setup can you recommend to realize a Final Product Test only with BLE for mass production! (Without any additional copper contacts or NFC)
Some facts...
Hi I was reading up on all your chips.. NRF24, BLE and also on IPV6 capable..
Below are my requirements. Can you make a recommendation on what setup to use?
I have 4...
Im developing a filter - repeater signal on S130, and I want to advertise with a peridod of 20 ms for 10 seconds timeout.
I'm confused with FAST ADVERTISING AND SLOW...
i need to take use of the pstorage module.
i can read the data after reset,but i do not know the reason.
the write function is added in the on_write...
Hi there,
I have a nrf51422CEAA chip with 16k variant with single bank bootloader code. I compile it using (03) optimazation and the final result is :
"Program Size...
I just produced my custom board with nRF52 but i have a problem.
I can program it (SWD over nRF52 DK), debug it (segger debudder software) but in bootloader it...
hi there,
I am using this tutorial to add dfu to nrf51422_xxac_s130 beacon application. however Im getting these linking errors:
._build\nrf51422_xxac_s130.axf: Error...