Hey folks,
I'm trying to modify the SPI Master loop back example into a 4 line SPI Master_Slave program. Whenever I change the Tx_Buffer_lenght from 10 to lsome other numbers...
I am using S130 softdevice version.
Basically, I am using NUS Service and make a my own NUS central service as NUS_C.
It is correctly work at normal state.
Hi All,
Please Reviwe for a attached circuit file(Chip ANT of nRF51822.pdf).
I also attach a datasheet of chip antenna applied for that circuit(SDBTPTR3015 Data Sheet...
to me it made sense that EN_AA settings are controlling the receiving pipes if an ACK has to be sent back upon receiving a valid packet.
then i thought that the settings...
I am using BLE_Gateway example defined in nRF51-ble-bcast-mesh to create an rbc_mesh over 2 nRF51422 devices . For now, I am just testing it out on 2 nRF51422; I will set...
I see when you import an example from the pack installer ( for example pwm, ble, timer examples ) it arrives with the misc controls --c99 on by default , so I cannot...
I started form the lbs example to build my application. I have now the following problem:
apparently the button_event_handler is only triggered when the device is connected...
I have searched the forum, but still I cannot find answer to my question. I designed my custom board for nRF51422 and want to work with ANT (softdevice 210) (I have...
Hello everyone
i want to create button fucntion press the button for 3 seconds and then it has to start advertsing but i have excuted the button fucntion but it si showing...
I'm a new at BLE. So, as I know from bluetooth spec v 4.1 there is a opportunity to establish multiple connections to the same peripheral device from several central devices...
I want to send 500 bytes(chunks of data) for specific event so when I get new 500 bytes from sensor firmware should send all of those bytes over BLE service in proper order...
This thread provides some references for those of us who need to have firmware that runs on multiple releases, but don't necessarily know what revisions are in the field....
We have the following Problem to solve in general:
A device should control the exhaust system in a vehicle.
This device needs to retreive the engine RPM using a...
I have a brief question to which I'm not able to find a clear response: When the SD send a notification of a change in a service value, this notification has a confirmation...
I have ASUS ZenPad 10 with Android 5.0.2,
BLE device on nRF51, S110 SDK9 with fixed passkey and encrypted characteristics with following settings
#define SEC_PARAM_BOND...
As far as I can tell, the NUS app sends a signed char of value -127 to 127 in decimal. Is there a way to use the stock UART application to send an unsigned byte...
Hi Noridic,
I follow the Application note Nan_36 and download the nrf51-ble-app-lbs project as a practice, but the compiling is not smoothly with SDK 9.0. I finally fix the...
I am working with S110 stack and the custom application. I wanted to use the ADC driver with blocking and interrupts enabled. But the application is blocking and...