An external PA/LNA is used to extend range of nRF51822, and S110 is used for BLE, How to switch between PA and LNA? and how to disable PA/LNA when there isn't transceiving...
Can anybody help me to run ble_peripheral example (ble_app_hrs for S130). I have build and load the code successfully but cant see the advertisement. But while debugging...
I am working with the nRF8001, and I'd like to create a services.h file that will let me broadcast battery level and as well as allow temperature to be read by a peer.
Hi We have an application where we what to read i2c sensor data over the air to an iPhone. We've taken ble_app_uart_S130 project and grafted in some twi_hardware code. There...
I am interested in the S130 ability to hold 3 central -> peripheral links over BLE, and am looking for some evidence that this has been accomplished with extremely low-power...
I'm trying to implement channel scanning in our nrf24lu1p based USB dongle.
I'm following the specs and basically loop though each channel ;
stop listening
Hi, all.
I want data read from gyro sensor through i2c, and then send it through bluetooth equipment.(PC or iPhone and so on)
My development environment is like below...
Hi everybody.
I am making a custom circuit which using external LDO with output is 2.5 volt.
Then I use this 2.5 volt as VCC_nrf for the nrf51 chip which using internal...
Has anybody used an nRF51822 (e.g. on nRF 51 dongle / Adafruit BLE Friend) as a central talking with a peripheral like the TI SensorTag? Is there a tutorial / example code...
I have been trying to pair my nRF51822 heart rate monitor device with my Windows 8 laptop. Every time it is unsuccessful and returns the message try add your device again...
Doing some testing of the nRF24L01+ with LNA PA module, i have noticed noise on the 1.2 GHz frequency, this noise seems to be larger than what is allowed if i was doing...
with ' nRF51_Series_Reference_manual v3.0.pdf ' , i want to know which pins can i used for adc purpose.
in the sample code.
void adc_config(void)
Hi there,
The s132 v2.0.0 production softdevice was released recently. How can I use it with the nRF5_SDK_11.0.0-2.alpha? or I have to wait for a new SDK release? When...
I have a bluetooth service which I want to have to initialise a TWI transaction (using app_twi). I want to get the data back from the TWI transaction, but I can't figure quite...
What is the pitch and spacing of the connectors on the underside of the PCA10004 and PCA10005 modules please? Is there a diagram showing dimensions anywhere in the documentation...
@Michael Dietz
Hi Michael!
I am not sure what happened to my last question regarding the BLE example using Segger Embedded Studio. It is no longer visible in the post...
i am already use sdk10 and Eclipse gcc tool chain set-up.. but when i am programming on nrf51822. so, it's not work. also, it's working on nrf51422 QFACAB0(0x0071)..
Hello All,
I am trying to create multiple threads for an individual tasks. But when I am creating new thread my program is not working and it's going into some infinite...
I have the ble_app_hrs example working well with DFU.
When I take main.c from the example code and put it into an RTX project, the DFU stops working.
Symptom: nrfToolbox...
I have a python scipt that uses pynrfjprog to program some custom information into a board's flash to be used by my application (calibration parameters, serial number...
I managed to compile the ble_app_uart on windows 8.1 with cygwin. I had to remove all abspath on the makefile, as launchpad gcc is not compatible with cygdrive notation.