I see when you import an example from the pack installer ( for example pwm, ble, timer examples ) it arrives with the misc controls --c99 on by default , so I cannot...
We're looking for a low-latency 2.4GHz solution (not BLE) and the nRF51822 is oft-quoted as providing low latency, but what are the typical ms figures we could achieve...
Hello all,
in my previous question (Switch between applications (multiple services.h)) I got the advice to merge my two services into one service, including a HID over...
I am trying to create an nRF8001 based application that will broadcast battery levels (pipes broadcast, set), and give out temperature data (pipe indicate - TX_ACK) to connected...
I'm using redbearlab's nrf51822 board. It is a arduino compatible board and hence it is using 0,1 (mapped to 9 and 11 for nrf51822). How do I make printf print to this...
An external PA/LNA is used to extend range of nRF51822, and S110 is used for BLE, How to switch between PA and LNA? and how to disable PA/LNA when there isn't transceiving...
i have nrf51422 v2 and it can use s110 v7.x.x
and when i go to download s110 v7.x.x but there is nothing for nrf51422 v2
softdevice s110 v7.x.x is for nRF51822...
i have nrf51422 v2 that there is noe example for it and i dont find any softdevice hex for it .
in keil package there is no template for sdk 6 that work for me
I've been trying to send a batch of data from 2 nRF51-DK boards, peripheral to central, and it seemed that there is a bottleneck on BLE since the buffer on the peripheral...
Hello all,
I use the relay function of the S130, and want to do a two-way data communication.
I can relay the data of peripheral to central with sample code.
there is a sentence here 'Handles HVC events from the BLE stack.'
i am a newer here, please forgive of my silly question.
what is the HVC mean ?
I am using the nrfjprog.dll to program my UUT (nrf51822) during our production PCBA test. Apparently this is a bad idea to use this dll since you sometimes change the...
I found a possible bug in device manager in SDK 8.1.0 for S120. If you set for example DEVICE_MANAGER_MAX_BONDS 2 and try to bond another device, you get "No free connection...
im using one of SDK Example and it stuck in this line of code
// Initialize SoftDevice.
in this...
I have a UUID in which bytes 12 and 13 are not 0. For example, I have something like this
*addr = 87000d1f-1234-5678-9abc-123456789abc
When I use sd_ble_uuid_vs_add(&addr...
Please consider the images bellow, which can also be found here and here . The images represent the structure of a BLE packet, and the units used are bytes. The question...
Hi there,
I have tested out the BLE-NUS SDK firmware on the NRF51422 SDK Board, and it responded well. When I ported the exact same code over to my custom board, I received...
I noticed that I can't bond successfully with my device using iOs 9.1 with Nrf Master control panel iOs app. When I insert the PINCODE, the device immediatly disconnects...
So I just received my nRF51 dk. When I plug it into the USB port, the device starts to blink but is not showing up as standard USB drive? Any suggestions?
what general setup can you recommend to realize a Final Product Test only with BLE for mass production! (Without any additional copper contacts or NFC)
Some facts...
Hi I was reading up on all your chips.. NRF24, BLE and also on IPV6 capable..
Below are my requirements. Can you make a recommendation on what setup to use?
I have 4...